
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Crow on branch - Seitei
Fallbrook's crows have been blackening the local landscape of late, peppering the telephone wires and telephone wires in the cold, dewy mornings.

The hawks and the osprey have been quite visible as well, nature starting to slowly heat up as the winter wanes out of its slumber.

Ceanothus is blue purple as are the towering echium spires that are just now starting to show off. Magic southern California displays its florid charms once again for the lucky inhabitants to enjoy.

Last week I told you that Bruce Taylor saw a bald eagle near Elder St., a rarity in these parts. Yesterday Bill sent me pictures of said bird. A neighbor of Jerri's, location not important, took these pictures. Bird lives near a couple lakes. The photographer is Jay Waters. We have a resident bald eagle in Fallbrook now. Won't tell you where. Will have to send me to Guantanamo and apply moderate coercion techniques before I tell you.

Yesterday my camera group took a Los Angeles Conservancy tour of downtown Los Angeles's old theater district on Broadway. Got entrance to a few old theaters including the sumptuous Los Angeles Theater, where Charlie Chaplin hosted his guest Albert Einstein one long past opening night. Remarkable place, will post some pics later. Went gargoyle hunting, bagged a ton of them.

Afterwards we went to Phillipe's for french dips. It was Chinese New Year so the area was swamped. Managed to park, order and eat. We all shot film there. Today I snapped some exceptional portraits of a beaten down rodeo cowboy at the Carl's Jr. in San Clemente. Finished the Ilford 100 roll. Can't wait to develop them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow That is cool Robert. Bald Eagles have been making a come back since the banning of pesticides like DDT in 1972. Good to see. Beth Cobb