
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Today is the day I get a new lens put in my right eye. I am a little bit nervous, have always been touchy and supersensitive about my eyes.

Hope that there are no problems. My vision has been rapidly deteriorating due to the cataracts. They may have been brought on prematurely from the prednisone in the asthma inhaler.

I never get nervous about medical procedures but eyes are different. I am a visually dominant person and depend on seeing for my livelihood.

Worried that I will wake up and hate my artwork and photography.  Plus the cataract changes color perception so I will be getting a whole new chromal palette.

Fly in to the Baltimore weather Thursday, will come back and get the other eye done after the trip to see my mother.

Wish me luck.


Sanoguy said...

Best of luck on all, BH!!!

Max Hall said...

Good luck Blue!! God bless your Mother.