
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Native Fauna

A friend of mine, who shall by necessity remain nameless, lives on the edge of civilization in Santa Fe. At the fringe of the veldt. A mountain surrounded by pristine nature. He has a 24 hour still/video camera hooked up on his back porch. I stopped up there one day and took some bird pictures.

Lots of wildlife come down daily to drink out of his fountain. When I was there he showed me some incredible video of a bear visit in the middle of the night.

This morning a mother deer brought a fawn down for the first time this year.

 He is regularly visited by a gray fox, a gorgeous animal.

A coyote and bobcat wait their turns for a drink.

The black bear around there can get huge, this is a little one. He showed me pictures of a big one.

I'd say my friend is pretty lucky to live where he does.


Sanoguy said...

Yes, he is very lucky!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, healthy looking creatures.

Anonymous said...

Wow I like the Moutain Bluebird. Also the bobcat and the coyote together that is so cool. Thanks Beth C

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Welcome back Robert. All's right with the world again.