
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Onward into the future

Time to get off this spacey stuff. My family is starting to worry. I am back to work today, the whole last month was such a timeout, if not a total waste, tomorrow is exactly one month since the shoulder surgery. Got to read and never get dressed all day some times and just totally checked out. Very nice thing to do once in a while if you can afford to.

With Christmas and New Years and the weekends and recuperation, I believe that this is the most unproductive month in memory. Which I have enjoyed although bill paying the next two months might prove to be a real feat of gymnastics. I think I can pull it off still, although another month might have proved impossible.

I really appreciate and want to publicly thank my Doctor, Mike Skyhar from Core Orthopaedics at Scripps Encinitas. A potential five month rehab became a very short stint due to his great care and extreme competence. Let me know if you want to watch the op video. Pretty calm until the fourteen minute mark, then all hell breaks loose when he starts boring into the tendon.

Anyway I am close to being back, about 70% from full mobility. I am working out with a great friend and personal trainer, John Colombero and simply feel really good.

Of course the person that deserves the most thanks is Leslie, who was awesome throughout, always there with everything I needed. and extra sweet to boot. Thank you, honey.

We had a great New Years Eve with our pals at R & D's. The theme was New Orleans. R made muffalata sandwiches, a humongous prime rib and potatoes. I boiled crawdads and shrimp and whipped up an industrial strength batch of cocktail sauce. Leslie made her patented crabcakes. Bri brought along two delicious salads, one of which near brought me to my knees.

The accent mark offered a ton of stuff including a brie and these incredible super concentrated cherries from Vennissimo. Connie made the most scrumptious beignets which her wonderful husband Dixon expertly placed in his portable deep fryer and then dusted them with powdered sugar. Jerri brought party favors and champagne, not to mention Frank, who looked great and I think really enjoyed himself.

I think everybody brought champagne come to think of it. We also swigged a bottle of D's prized pinot noir, the Papapietro Perry of some fantastic vintage.

Afterwards we lit off some pyrotechnics I purchased the last time I drove through Bluewater in New Mexico that were beyond insane.

Love my friends, kind, considerate, smart and competent, to a person. Our New Years bash's tend to circulate to different houses every year, with one notable exception. I have to thank all our hosts and friends, all great people, not to mention cooks, except for moi, of course, who is merely kept around for cheap comic effect. The women were all beautiful and the men trés charming. R & D knocked themselves out, with food and flowers, the house was so beautiful. Love you guys. All of my peeps.

Here's a picture of the house.

Earlier in the week we had dinner with Morgan and Brigitte and their friend Roz was in town. Delicious meal as well. We drank a bottle of my friend Ed Vivanco's ancestral rioja, Castle Vivanco from northern Spain. Soft and epic!

So that's it. Hope that you enjoyed yourselves as well. good health to all, hope that our country and world can get its act together a little better.


Anonymous said...

"Afterwards we lit off some pyrotechnics I purchased the last time I drove through Bluewater in New Mexico that were beyond insane."

I am quite sure that any & all animals, domestic &/or wild, within hearing &/or vibration range, are in full agreement about the insanity (not to mention the sheer terror of the experience).

Blue Heron said...

The experience was far more aesthetic then cacophonous and they all signalled their vigorous approval.