Saturday, December 7, 2013

read something

america the vulgar - wsj

what the pope gets wrong about capitalism - reason

gop civil war - fascinating read by an old operative at National Review. The notion of a permanent insurgency.

 a few reports that the CRO is withholding from the public - Secrecy News

should the government be allowed to force a private baker to bake a cake for a gay couple?

skin talks to the liver.

more on ALEC - alternet

doj gets squirrelly on gps tracking - aclu - forget constitutionality, think good faith

photobomb - atlantic

between hemispheres - wiring differences between males and females - economist

darpa's new membrane technology could allow total global space surveillance - extremetech

torture doctors

Palestine should seek redress at the international criminal court - Human Rights Watch

Austrian Mayor resigns over call for journalists to be hanged like Jews - Jerusalem Post
"Simlinger, who has served as the mayor of the small town of Gföhl since 1997, said the last thing he wanted to do was to “injure people.” The mayor allegedly said during a city council meeting on Tuesday,“I don’t give a shit about asylum seekers, but the journalists are to be blamed. They should be hanged; they are like the Jews.”
Venezuela tightens grip on media. - Matthew Waid

between pigs and anchovies - where humans rank on the food chain - great comments.

stingray - usa today

NRA elephant gun - Mother Jones

die, selfish gene, die. phase changing and gene expression.

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