
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Deep Purple

This is an interesting cut that I had forgot about until they played it on Deep Tracks the other day, Deep Purple's take on the Skip James song, I'm so glad. Very much based on the Cream version, I think that I might even like this one better. You have to get past the characteristic Deep Purple thumpy, throbbing bass. Loudest band ever recorded, but quite fatiguing.

 On a related note, you might look up one of the dreadful versions of Baez's Diamonds and Rust done by Blackmore's Night. Talk about murdering a great song.


Anonymous said...

Horrible version! Pretty talented musicians, especially Blackmore, but horrible arrangement of a classic Cream song.

Anonymous said...

Horrible version! Pretty talented musicians, especially Blackmore, but horrible arrangement of a classic Cream song.