
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cosmic Messenger


grumpy said...
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Blue Heron said...

That's funny, he only has the nicest things to say about you...Saw Ponty at SDSU in his prime, echoplex beaming to the heavens, brilliant musician, sorry it doesn't float your boat but there is no accounting as they say... Nothing with cosmic in the title? sorry Frank Zappa, sorry Janis Joplin, Grumpy thinks that you suck.

Anonymous said...

I saw him with you at the civic theater circa 1979-80. Absolutely brilliant. Please post Mirage, preferably the live version.

Blue Heron said...

who are you? buzz?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's better if I remain anonymous. I don't think you liked me that much the last time I saw you at your place in Rainbow in '89 or '90. Besides you might say somthing that pisses me off. I go to BHB primarily to enjoy the photos. I always knew that you had an ear for music, and an eye for art, but I didn't know that you were a artist.

Blue Heron said...

Fair enough. Searching my memory banks but coming up empty. Harpold? No, we painted together so that comment would be a dig...No clue. Feel free to enjoy the blast, whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Robert, and do check out the live version of Mirage.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link: http://youtu.be/PmJMG7iMzV0

Blue Heron said...

Well, now I am definitely flummoxed. Trying to think of disagreements at Rainbow, hmmm. Can't be Diann, god forbid my ex wife is reading the blog, can't go there. Manning wouldn't dare after his last tantrum. I thought that I went to Ponty with Bill and Terry but can't remember ever having a cross word with either of them or the other third spoke in the triangle. Estanislau might fit but we never squabbled either...I only got steamed at Harpold when he gave the assassins the map to my house but who wouldn't?

Nice clip Mirage, thank you!

grumpy said...

just to be fair i gave this piece another listen; still not doing it for me; the echoplex here you can have; i'm sure Jean-Luc has made some great music in his career; i want to get my hands on a copy of King Kong, the album of his with songs by Zappa, who was incapable of sucking, as was Janis.

Anonymous said...

Grumpy, there's no echoplex being used on this piece. Only amplification. That's pure unadulterated Ponty. I don't know you, but I'd have to say sorry Grumpy,but in this particular case your wrong and living up to your name.