Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No Limit

My close friends Bill and Sue's son T has gotten into online poker the last couple years. T is a bright kid, excellent pianist, good at math but hasn't really figured out his way yet. He's young, he's got time. I've always gotten along really well with him and I think that now is the time for him to shine.

T recently won an online poker satellite tournament and got invited to the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. Yesterday was the first day and he killed it. Out of over 6352 entrants he was in the top 50 of the 1c group yesterday, and he ended up with well over 100k in chips at the end of the day. He re-raised with an ace high and knocked some poor guy out.

Today was a day off. If he continues to rip and gets in to the cash, old Uncle Rob is going to be taking a little drive to Vegas to cheer him on. I couldn't be prouder. If he can stand the pressure and doesn't play too tight I think he can do really well.

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