
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy cows

Interesting article in the New York Times today about grass fed beef, Where Corn Is King, a New Regard for Grass-Fed Beef by Kathryn Shattuck. Ranchers have figured out that the yuppie boutique thing is where their financial bread is buttered and are getting on board. Now I personally think that grass fed can get a funky taste at times but it is probably a lot better for the cow than getting grain getting stuffed down its gullet like a pre ban goose. 

And we find that if you want to make a change, once again we have to create a new lexicon; in the beginning was the word...
“When the wine industry started out in California, nobody had a language for what a bouquet was... Vintners had to come up with a way an audience could have a conversation about hints of raspberries, of camomile. And that’s what we have to do with beef.”
Prescott Frost
“You want a minimum-input type cow, with more depth of body, more thickness, good udder structure and a good disposition... An angry cow is not a very good eating experience.”
Rick Calvo

Is it too late for me to jump on the bandwagon? Padres are the hottest team in baseball, eight straight, took down Los Gigantes last night. They are now a game out of first. This is the first time they have been over .500 since two thousand ten. Congratulations to all concerned - keep it up. Kyle Blanks playing well is huge.


Tesla, the revolutionary car maker and the brainchild of one Elon Musk, is now offering battery swaps as a refueling option.  Tesla was in the news last week because their direct to customer sales approach is running afoul of the retail dealerships in North Carolina, who have used their political muscle to fight sales in their state.

It seems pretty ludicrous that customers should have to go through a third party to buy a car if they don't want to. Why should they? Cause that's the way we've always done it.
David Westcott, chairman of the National Automobile Dealers Association who has a Buick-GMC dealership in Burlington, N.C., said Tesla's effort to sell direct to consumers was important to all dealers and something the national association was watching.
"The system has worked for a long time," he said. "We only want Tesla to play by the same rules," Mr. Westcott added.

Interesting story out of Egypt today. Hotel owners and residents in Luxor are pretty pissed. Why? Because the Morsi led Islamic government has just appointed a new governor, Adel el-Khayata. This man  happens to come from the same group, Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya, that bombed the Luxor Hotel in 1997, killing 58 people. Wack.

John Morris sent this one over. A New Mexico bill that would criminalize abortion after rape on the grounds that it is tampering with evidence. Lord help us.

How to beat your wife.

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