
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Canton Trade Days

When I was doing the show in Santa Barbara last month, my buddy Ted, who is a dealer and a promoter who has been in the business for a long time, was regaling me with stories of one of the most unusual flea markets in America, the First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas. This flea market started way back in the 1850's and was evidently originally known as "hoss monday".

The way he told the story is that the old circuit judge only rode through Canton one day a month. He would first adjudicate and then hang any miscreants on Monday.

The townspeople came from miles around to watch the proceedings and catch a few hangings and then the town fathers would raffle off the departed soul's horse and possessions.

People brought their own goods along to do a little swapping and so one of the first flea markets in America was born!

It bills itself as the largest flea market in Texas. Hard to believe that it is bigger than Round Top but I suppose I will have to take them at their word. Don't want to piss off an angry Texan now, do we?

These Texans shore know how to have a good time!

Double Hanging - Bellville, TX c. 1896
Known as the "great hanging" of 1864, wherein 40 suspected Union sympathizers are strung up. Cookesville, Texas

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