
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I decided to take the 300mm lens home from work last evening. It is lighter and I hadn't used it in ages. I made a promise to myself two years ago to try to have a camera within reach at all times and I have mostly stuck to it.

Luckily both juvenile red tailed hawks were close to the van as I passed by in the late afternoon sun. I was too lazy to get out so I just rolled the window down (note to millennials, this is an antiquated term for pressing the device on your door that causes the window to lower itself, in the old days we had to do it manually in a clockwise motion) and snapped a couple pics.

I interrupted this guy's coney or rodent (little hard to tell at this point) dinner but he or she seemed fairly nonplussed and just went on with business.

 The raptor's sibling was less happy with my interruption and quickly flew back to the safety of the nest.