Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hometown Press

Thank you Debbie Ramsey and the Village News. Nice article today. Now where is that pic of the hawk building the nest? Guess it didn't make the cut. I appreciate the ink in any case. Very cool. I received a phone call today from another hawk photographer who wanted to chat. Maybe swap some nest locations.

This has been a very unusual hatch. Only one chick as far as I can tell, and no presence of a male bird at any time. In prior years, the male has always stuck around and helped but this mother is on her own.

The article makes it sound like it is the same female laying eggs very year but I believe that it has been different mothers and their progeny returning. Have to analyze the pictures but the color markings are always different. Article says that I take hundreds of hawk pics every year. It's really closer to a thousand.

Saw another head pop up this morning. Two chicks!

1 comment:

  1. strictly for the birds...congrats on the local ink, nice going.
