Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hugo Chavez es muerte.

Hugo Chavez is dead. When I told some people today that I celebrate his passing I got strange looks. How can one speak ill of the dead, a hero to so many of his people?

Here's a reason why. Or this one from Commentary. He was a vicious pig, an anti semite, delighted in tormenting the jews of his country, as many as half of whom fled during his reign. Recent documents have come to life regarding his directing the country's intelligence department to spy on its jewish citizens.

Friend of Ahmadinejad, it was said that he allowed Iranian terrorists to establish a beachhead in his country in which to inflict damage on western interests. He also nationalized most of the foreign manufacturing and business interests in his country.

He expelled Israel's ambassador and demanded the presidents of Israel and the U.S. be prosecuted for mass murder. Immediately afterward, a pro-Chávez Web site called for boycotting Venezuela's small Jewish community, expelling Jews from the country and launching protests against the Israeli embassy and Jewish synagogues.
In an infamous Christmas Eve speech several years ago, Chávez said the Jews killed Christ and have been gobbling up wealth and causing poverty and injustice worldwide ever since. 
Chavez believed that his cancer illness was another imperialist plot.
CARACAS, March 5 (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was infected with cancer by "imperialist" enemies, his No. 2 alleged on Tuesday, adding that the socialist leader was suffering his hardest moments since an operation three months ago.
Vice President Nicolas Maduro's accusations and somber prognosis came during a televised meeting of political and military leaders at the presidential palace amid speculation of an imminent end to Chavez's 14-year rule.
"We have no doubt that commander Chavez was attacked with this illness," Maduro said, repeating a charge first made by Chavez himself that the cancer was an attack by "imperialist" foes in the United States in league with domestic enemies.
"The old enemies of our fatherland looked for a way to harm his health," Maduro said, comparing it with allegations that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who died in 2004, may have been poisoned by Israeli agents.
Chavez had a dreadful record of silencing opposition media and imprisoning his foes. He was a true latin american populist turned dictator and successfully set himself up as a President for life. Which thankfully, is no more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. Check out the news articles about the $2B dollars his family has accumulated.
    Just another tyrant/emperor!
