Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Catching up

We've jumped the shark, screwed the pooch, winner winner, chicken dinner, whatever the fuck that means? The pope is buying an RV and lightning be damned, heading to Quartzite to snowbird with his man du camp, Clyde Tolson. Chris may or may not have hit Rhianna again, whoever they are? Some republicans don't want to pass the Violence Against Women Act because it infringes on native american rights, ain't that convenient? A new cause for the GOP, indian sovereignty. Apparently they chafed at having to offer protection to gay women and illegal immigrants.

I heard yesterday that they were really just trying to protect men against those girls whose lips may so no but their eyes say yes, yes, yes. Or the girls that were asking for it. Or wanted to frame a guy. The rape that's not really rape. 30% of South African men say that a girl secretly enjoys it. Read the statistic the other day, will try to find it for you.

I didn't watch the State of the Union, the theatrics of Congressman Stockman and Ted Nugent the only real attraction. The hatred and spacing between the two sides is getting deeper, wider and more palpable.

I was interested in the Dorner story, the cop killing renegade ex cop who believed that he had been railroaded after he complained about police misconduct, specifically his female partner kicking a guy in the face.

I don't agree with his crazy killing spree and mourn the innocent people that he killed. But I believe him about the police misconduct. A textbook example of what happens when someone in law enforcement breaks the code of silence. He obviously felt his life was over. Didn't sound real stable after he came back from the Naval Reserve tour.

I have asked 10 people if they thought he was telling the truth and to a person they believe that he was. Doesn't sound like something somebody would make up.

I have had first hand experience with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. In 1976 I was in a discussion with a sheriff when I was grabbed, handcuffed, taken to a mattress room at the bottom of the Shrine Auditorium, past a waiting office of secretaries and stenographers, and beaten unconscious, with vicious punches and kicks to the groin. Handcuffed for the entire procedure and then arrested on trumped up charges that were later dropped. Thank you, Uncle Norm.

I went to Internal Affairs too to make a complaint. Lieutenant said that he would have done the same thing to me.

I have a buddy that was twenty years Venice Vice Squad. Told me some very horrific stories one day about what sometimes happens to people.

The Chris Dorner incident is a tragic story all the way around. Guy with nothing to lose, broken in half by the system and wanting to exact some horrible justice in a horrible way. Killed some innocent people who had absolutely nothing to do with him. Horrible.

Isn't it amazing that Fox News can pretend to be a neutral party and honest journalistic organization yet their President's comment clearly show that he is simply a mouthpiece of the Republican Party? How do people fall for them. In a recent interview with Eliza Gray in The New Republic.

“I happen to think that the Latino audience is an essentially traditional audience and will go to Fox News for traditional American values,” Ailes tells Gray. It's just that "Republicans haven’t used the right language... They keep talking about illegal immigration.”“The fact is, we have a lot—Republicans have a lot more opportunity for them,” Ailes says. “If I’m going to risk my life to run over the fence to get into America, I want to win. I think Fox News will articulate that.”

I hate partisan networks, from either side. Give me my news straight down the middle and let me decide how the specific issues will affect me. The way Huntley, Brinkley, Severaid and Cronkite did it. I can't believe that a partisan hack like Ailes isn't laughed right out of the news business. And that people buy it and don't see that it is one big GOP commercial.

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