
Sandhill crane

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Paul Percy Frazier DeGaston, revisited

I got another Paul DeGaston letter this week.

Hello, Mr. Sommers,
    I am writing this e-mail to you in regards to the intriguing and surprising accounts I recently read in the Blue Heron Blast about my uncle, Paul Percy Frazier DeGaston.  Paul was the husband of my mother's sister, Violet.
    I just wanted to say that I would be happy to give you information on what I know about my Uncle Paul.
I have a large photo of Paul (pipe and all), taken in the '50's as well as another smaller photo of him hunting deer. Actually it is photo of him, gun in hand, standing in front of a backdrop with forest and deer.  Paul loved to hunt and was a good marksman.
    I also own several pieces of Paul's amazing art.
    I would enjoy hearing from you.
                    Best regards,

I need to reread all of my notes and stories before I call her, get my ducks in a row and wrap my head around the whole amazing whodunit one more time. She sent me another note today that included a couple of photos of his artwork, an ironwood sculpture marked La Jolla on the bottom and an etching I hadn't seen before.

I asked M to send a picture of the hunting photo, to finally put the one man/two men argument to rest. After all, we don't have a single photo of Paul Percy. If any of you could think of good lines of inquiry I should take up, your help would be obliged.

I will keep you all apprised. Sold the DeGaston aquatint of the bombing raid last week. The family was supposed to visit this summer but I never heard from them so I suppose I will start to sell the stuff.

As always, I am your servant.

Robert Sommers
Fallbrook, CA

The story so far, in chronological order:

1. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - February 25, 2012
2. Continuing story of Paul DeGaston - March 2, 2012
3. In the matter of Paul DeGaston - March 7, 2012
4. The odd story of Paul DeGaston and Paul DeGaston - June 2, 2012
5. Friend of Paul Percy DeGaston - June 7, 2012

Postscript 4:27
Presto, this afternoon I receive my first picture of Paul Percy DeGaston. Definitely a different man. I knew it, but had to see a picture, just to make sure!

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