
Sandhill crane

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Hale Bopp - Wally Pacholka, Joshus Tree 4/5/97
One thing that we already have to look forward to next year is the great comet of 2013.  The comet Ison is to be visible from October through January and to fly 1.2 million miles from the center of the sun. The comet is going to be extraordinarily bright, visible in the daytime sky and projects to be the brightest comet since the great comet of 1680. Scientists say that it will be actually brighter than the moon. I am looking forward to the light show.

Ison comes from the Oort Cloud, near the solar system's edge. We have another comet coming next year as well, Comet Pan-STARRS is going to pass by the planet in March, eight months before ISON shows up. I am looking forward of having my night photography together enough to do some quality work with these arrivals.

There is always a chance that these things burn up before they get here.. Let's hope that they hang around and give us an extended light show. Earth could use some entertainment.

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