And so I was pleased when I heard about this message from the State Department's Philippe Reines to the BuzzFeed's Michael Hastings reporter regarding the issue:
"I now understand why the official investigation by the Department of the Defense as reported by The Army Times The Washington Post concluded beyond a doubt that you're an unmitigated asshole. How's that for a non-bullshit response? Now that we've gotten that out of our systems, have a good day. And by good day, I mean Fuck Off."
Quite succinct. Bravo.
Pamela Geller has been rattling islamic chains for the last couple years. She has started a fairly inflammatory subway poster campaign. The ad reads, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad."
Provocative, but I think well within recognized boundaries of free speech in her country. The answer from the islamic man on the street was interesting:
"Abdul Yasar, a New York subway rider who considers himself an observant Muslim, said Geller's ad was insensitive in an unsettling climate for Muslims.
"If you don't want to see what happened in Libya and Egypt after the video -- maybe not so strong here in America -- you shouldn't put this up," Yasar said.
But "if this is a free country, they have the right to do this," he said. "And then Muslims have the right to put up their own ad."
First the threat and then he catches himself. We have the right to put up our own ad. Fine, now we are getting somewhere.
I got two weird hits on the blog yesterday that are kind of creepy. The first one found me by typing in the words "Fuck Islam", the second "Fuck islam bumper sticker."
I don't ever recall saying anything like that. Don't think the blast should be a go to link for this sort of thing. Love everybody.
My friend Mark H. was down the other day, said he didn't care if I was right or left politically but it would be nice if I was right as in accurate a little more often. Ouch.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran once again called for the end of Israel's existence and said that jews had no historic roots in the mid east. The president is quite a kidder and I think that the prudent thing to do is ignore his threat to eliminate the jewish state. He doesn't mean it. Fucking Israel's problem.
"The New York Post, which has made no secret of its hostility toward Mr. Ahmadinejad, said it had tried to deliver a gift basket over the weekend to the Warwick filled with items including Gold’s Borscht, Manischewitz gefilte fish, Murray’s Sturgeon Shop whitefish, Zabar’s cream cheese and a free ticket to the Off Broadway show “Old Jews Telling Jokes.” The Post said Iranian officials at the hotel declined to accept it."
Robert making nice on AlterNet.
With all this propaganda about Israel I am wondering if me lord will be renting a pith helmet and monocle and scheduling lectures about the White Man's Burden.
ReplyDeletemerely a reporter, not beating the war drums...
ReplyDeleteI wish there was anything like a good answer for peoples emerging from a colonial history or emerging from tyrannical rule. Considering the "paradises" that have emerged in Africa, China and the Mideast it doesn't look optimistic at all. At the end of it all we will probably have to arm Israel and get involved in some really nasty stuff. Cue the blues record.
ReplyDeleteObama goes on record today dismissing Israeli "noise", calls them "one" of the closest allies in the region. Writing on the wall is clear, you guys are on your own. Great article in New York times about his personal diplomatic skills.
ReplyDeletehere's another:
Both are good articles, the NYT article being superior and much more objective. A) The Middle East makes an idiot out of anyone, B) I am not particularly qualified to prognosticate, so my opinion is presented with some humility. My opinion is that Netanyahu has gotten himself into "a tree" with his messianic fervor and blatant attempts at manipulating the US election. Now he wants Obama to rescue him by drawing red lines. Obama knows he has the best hand and he is rubbing it in Netanyahu's face. I doubt this is good diplomacy on Obama's part but as they say he is the cerebral chess player with all the advantages and disadvantages. One of the things that strikes me about this debate is that the US supporters of Israel seem to have only a right wing there is no left that corresponds to the left in Israel In Israel everyone is not howling for war but in the US the israel supporters sure seem to be.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you regarding the relative quality of the two articles, the second is just illustrative of Israeli/jewish fear.
ReplyDeleteI don't know a single American jew who is clamoring for war. No false illusions, Israel is going to have to deal with its problems by itself without the direct help of the USA.
My problem s with those jews on the left, the Chomskyites that actually think that Iran is their friend. Its all about oil, man, that kind of crap. The Iranians have long fangs and are capable of great mischief and evil. They have continually called for Israel's annihilation. To disregard their threats would be very foolish.
Well said.