A very ugly week. The arab spring and its fledgeling democracy is now turning into a flaming fundamentalist mob in Benghazi, Cairo and Yemen. The Morsi government in Egypt waits a day before it decides to condemn the uprising by its own followers, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood contemplates holding another riot the very next day.
Morsi does finally issue a statement but it is more concerned with going after the supposed jewish, Israeli filmmaker (who it turns out is actually not an Israeli or jewish, instead a coptic christian) than quelling or condemning the unrest. After all, these are his peeps. Makes a guy yearn for the good old days of the dictatorship.
Apologize to Allah or we will burn the whole fucking place down. A very civilized people, to be sure.
A stupid, obscure two bit preacher, Terry Jones, hands still charred from burning korans, now tries to incite a war against Islam by circulating a terrible movie and the arab world gets instantly torched. Strictly legal but quite irresponsible. You know these muslims have no control, with the daily savagery that exists in their world. Atavistic animals with no empathy for human life. The same people who place bombs in crowded markets where they are sure to kill scores of innocent people. We have to give them a pass. You know how volatile they are.
Don't forget that we are forgiving a billion dollars of debt to our new friends in Egypt this year. Because as Barack Obama says, the egyptians may not be our allies but they are not our enemies either. Well not yet anyway.
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Andres Serrano - Piss Christ c. 1987 |
But god forbid that you piss off the muslims and the religion of peace. Life for them is a temporary currency, whether it ends by religious war, honor killing or suicide vest. A freaking fourteen year old detonated himself this week. Nothing has changed for the better since 9-11 and after a decade of American intervention. Afghanistan is a joke, soon they will let all the prisoners we have captured out of their jails in a kind muslim gesture that we westerners wouldn't understand. Insha'llah.
Mitt Romney, facing longer odds on the presidency by the week, is sounding more and more bellicose. He accuses the President for apologizing for a State Department statement regarding the stupid incendiary film that was issued prior to the sacking of the Libyan Embassy. Sounds to me like the State Department was pretty well attuned to the probable reaction of the arab street to the pointless provocation. Now he is after Obama for not being tougher on China, the people who hold half of the national paper. Careful what you wish for, tough guy.
The Dinesh D'Souza's and Niall Ferguson's of the world globe's resources, well it is our divine right and nothing more than a testament to american exceptionalism. Jesus blew air up our butt and said we could. It was the great powers manifest destiny to colonize India, the native americans and all the other colonies of the world. The blacks were better fed and educated after we enslaved them. We do these people a favor when we subjugate them and conquer their countries. Often in the name of religion.
Got this from D today:
HI Robert
I got this email from some right wingers, I believe by accident? It interested me from a couple of perspectives. First, I don't give a shit if the president is a muslin, mormon, catholic or anything in between as long as he believes in our constitution and is a strong defender of our country and freedoms. This may be an oxymoron depending upon the religious agenda connected with politics. Secondly, this piece demonstrates what can be done with the media tools at everyones disposal in creating propaganda and how easy it is to globally dispense ideology and spread hate. It is also hard to believe that the conservatives at FOX news couldn't do a better job of editing the propaganda. The irony of the video is that it demonstrates the makers (presumably Americans) of this piece are not being patriotic Americans in defending the rights of individuals to practice freedom of religion. Another possibility is that this really is cyber propaganda promoted by muslin fundamentalist to agitate American fundamentalists so that both sides have an excuse to continue the undeclared war against muslims and the blasphemous Americans. The premise that this piece is not being aired to the public because it is so scandalous is ridiculous to me since all of the heavily edited clips are from the public media! Maybe the simplest explanation is that it is just some racists that can't accept the fact that Obama is partially black. If this be true then we are reaching the bottom of the barrel where the scum is and skin color trumps all aspects of American principles. I thought it might be interesting to air this on the blog and see what kind of response it generates. At a minimum I'm interested on what you think? To me this is scary stuff and I have images of guys in brown shirts hugging the guys in white sheets to bring about a better society!
In God we trust! I wonder which God they are referring to? WOW
" Subject: FW: Fox News Has Been Blocked From Showing This Clip
Remember when we were told to watch Fox News on a Sunday night that was going to air something about Obama and we watched but never saw anything! Well, read below and click on the video to see why it got pulled before it could air
Now we know why Fox News never broadcast it as they had originally planned to. This piece was pulled.
*I encourage you to please send this to everyone on your email list ASAP.*
*Remember all the notices we kept getting to watch Fox News on Sunday at 9PM? What Happened?*
*This is the clip that got pulled due to pressure from the Administration.*
Obama Puts Heat on Fox News to Prevent Sean Hannity from airing this piece.
*This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show that we are told has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for several weeks. It was a matter of time until the internet picked it up.*
*Watch it now before it gets pulled from the internet!*
Forward to as many and as quickly as you can!
I am not going to hit on the link. It has been a kind of crummy day and I don't want to bum out any further thinking about stupid people.
Rich sent this over: As reported by the AP regarding the negotiations re the Chicago teachers' strike: "A top (Chicago School) District negotiator… said just before the talks resumed - 'We take these negotiations incredibly serious' ".
No doubt a product of those same Chicago public schools.
BLR - Richard
The Obama wants to take god's name off your money scare was truly pathetic.
Warren sends this over from New York: Beautiful day in NY.....seems the El Primo "square table" was clairvoyant on foreign policy.......What Romney did was not simply abysmally stupid but despicable......a bit interesting...bumped Obama to -2.30....
I meet people these days and get a lot of apologies for them not reading lately. Hey people, forget it. If you want to read, read, if not, great. Sorry I ever asked. I am over it. People keep telling me I should write a book. About what, pray tell? Anybody can write a shitty book. If I write a book, I am going to write a book. Should hit 3500 blog posts real soon, there's a few books there, not counting the hundred or so I have already jettisoned.
Saw Genser the other day and he said that he likes the politics part but he has noticed that the majority of the blog is actually a chronicle of my trials and tribulations. I assume that must get boring, we all most prefer our own trials and tribulations, thank you. Any way here are a few of mine of late.
Cortisone shot in the side of the foot yesterday, big honking needle, plantar fasciatis has now morphed into tendinitis and it's real hard to walk, especially in the morning. Any of you check out my cool new limp? After visiting the podiatrist we went to check on an old family friend whose phone has been disconnected, only to find out from her neighbor that she had died, pretty much alone. A terrible tragedy as she had always been there for Leslie's mom.
Got rid of the landline, after 30 years. Same telephone number. What is the point? Save four hundred bucks a year, you know where to find me.
Air conditioning is out, flooded the carpet. Amazing we did without for 18 years. Hot, sticky and miserable.
San Diego Union has just bought the local rag, the North County Times. Now we have two worthless papers. The Union Tribune, under the direction of owners Doug Manchester and John Lynch, has purged the newsroom, editorialized that both Bushes should be on Mt. Rushmore, Obama being the worst president we have ever had, had the writers shill for their development projects and generally offer the most one sided, conservative slant this side of Roger Ailes. Absolutely no thought of balance, in a pretty politically evenly divided town.
They now absorb a paper that gives a regular forum to the likes of Michael Barone (who thinks Romney is kicking ass right now), Debra Saunders and Richard Kirk. The two papers line up to the right of Attila the Hun. Right wing radio, in print.
Guess if I don't like it I can publish my own damn paper...
I get tired of slanted news from either side. Would rather first reach for Google News over Huff Post or Townhall as a go to news portal.
Leave on an up note. Chocolate has been found to fight off stroke risk, Hooray!
Re: cell phones vs. landlines: when you dial 911 on your land line, the call goes directly to the fire department and they can dispatch equipment immediately. Also, the dispatcher gets your exact location from a read out on their screen. When calling 911 on a cell phone, the call is routed through the Highway Patrol. They have to figure out where you are and which jurisdiction you are in and then notify them. That can be a significant delay. Also, the cell phone does not give them a read out on your location.
In emergencies, medical or fire, minutes count!! That is why I encourage people to keep their land line until the cell phone technology catches up. This comes from me, a former fire fighter!!!
Wow great post, bits and bites of the blast. I kinda like all the different sides of the Robert. Politics, food, art, books, health, family, opinion and more. Sounds a lot like life and we are all living parallel ones of our own each divided by our own prejudices. JUST WRITE. Those who read will read as they wish.
Deli Master
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