
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bobby Jindal is an ungrateful S.O.B.

We have got the most incompetent President since Jimmy Carter was in the White House. -Governor Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal is an ungrateful s.o.b. With tropical storm Isaac revvin' up to full Category 2 hurricane status, the Governor of Louisiana sent President Obama a request yesterday for federal emergency status and funding as required by the Stafford act.

The President, after speaking to Jindal on the phone, granted the emergency status and offered the help of the federal government.

Obama's emergency declaration activates FEMA and authorizes it to oversee disaster operations and provide federal assistance in 15 parishes. It also states that the federal government will cover 75 percent of the cost of direct federal assistance, with the state responsible for the rest.

Not enough for Jindal. Not wanting to take yes for an answer, he dashes off another letter criticizing the scope of the help and asking the government to reimburse it for its 25% share of the costs.
“Your limited declaration does not provide for reimbursement of expenses that the state is taking to prepare for the storm. As of 5 pm Central time today, the National Weather Service forecast this storm to strengthen to a Category 2 hurricane and squarely impact the State of Louisiana. The increased urgency of the situation necessitates that we re-emphasize the request for full federal assistance for the State,” he wrote. “The speed with which this threat developed has necessitated extraordinary emergency protective measures at the State and local government level,” he said.
“Given the extraordinary developments of this storm and its approaching impact on the State of Louisiana, I ask that you exercise your discretion to approve the State’s pending request for all emergency protective measures,” Jindal said.
“Further, I ask that you consider a cost-share adjustment to eliminate the State’s non-federal share of the costs for this event. When threatened with extraordinary disasters, states depend upon the availability of the full spectrum of assistance available under the Stafford Act."
Bobby Jindal has historically gone out of his way to attack the President and his policies. He has rejected federal monies for medicare, and has continually stressed the need for limiting federal aid. Now he has the hubris to complain that the federal government isn't doing enough and isn't giving enough. He instead lectures Obama about his duty to the citizens of Louisiana.

It is ironic that Obama is offering greater assistance than Bush did with Hurricane Katrina. Bush set a $5 million dollar ceiling for funds without congressional approval, Obama doesn't have an expenditure ceiling in his bequest. Louisiana ended up ponying up about 10% of the costs of the 2008 disaster. Yet Jindal never went after Obama's predecessor. Now he chooses to engage in more political theatrics and spit in the eye of those that would help him. Looking for a free ride and short term political gain.

I know, Bobby. How bout' you Louisianans take some personal responsibility for living in a reptile and bug infested shithole that seems to operate as a hurricane magnet for the whole gulf coast? You want to keep building in swampy lowland, you take the hit. Have you given any consideration to exorcising the storm's demons, like you did with that classmate at Brown? Or is it less effective with natural disasters?

Why not talk to Paul Ryan? His budget cuts funding for emergency agencies including NOAA by over  $182 million dollars. You have a great opportunity to show us that you yourself can operate under that tough love fodder all you have been preaching to the rest of us all these years.

See, we're in a recession and there's only so much money. This isn't the all you can eat buffet at the Bombay Palace on the corner where you can keep coming back for the chicken vindaloo.

Jindal raised the same objections about not getting enough government help during the gulf spill. One of the most ardent advocates of drilling, he bitched about the government's response and then bitched about the drilling moratorium. And then has the nerve to whine about pollution. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

Typical conservative. Talk about fiscal restraint and then start spending money like a drunken sailor when it's your ass in the fire.

By the way, Lousiana is by far the most corrupt state in the Union. From Huey Long, Earl Long, Richard Leche to Edwin Edwards, it has seen its share of Governors in the slammer. Think you can break the streak, Bobby?

According to statistics compiled by the Corporate Crime Reporter, it was No. 1 for the period between 1997 and 2006, with 326 federal corruption convictions. That's a rate of 7.67 per 100,000 residents. In 2001 Jim Brown became the third consecutive insurance commissioner to be convicted. New Orleans Rep. William Jefferson kept large bundles of cash cold in the freezer.

So I would say Louisiana, be careful biting the hand that feeds you. You see what happens with those 'gators. Next time you can go it alone.


Michael Stutz said...

Look- Louisiana is indeed exceptionally corrupt, but the whole "bug infested shithole " thing is oblivious to the importance that area has had to the development of this country. As a former New Orleanian I think you ignore the unique culture of one of the world's great cities. It's glory days are in the past, but people are there because it was once one of the finest places this country created.

Blue Heron said...

Please understand, Michael, that I mean "bug infested shithole" in the best sense of the word.

A little story: Leslie and I were in the French Quarter the day the barge slammed into the docks several years ago. I noticed that we were following a trail of red liquid that turned out to be pools of blood. I hailed a cop and showed him the blood stained pavement and he laughed at us and said somebody gets stabbed down there every night.

I have never felt comfortable there, even felt more scared in Baton Rouge. I have never felt the same sense of foreboding in any other big city and I have hit them all.

Then again I love rural Louisiana, have dined at some small town seafood restaurants and had the most memorable meals of my life. Towns like Sulphur and Diamond Springs. Like Magazine St. too.

Sorry to dis' the neighborhood. I am sure that there are many charms there awaiting my discovery.

Anonymous said...

Great editorial!!!!
One of the best blogs you've done.....

Go get em' Robert!

Sanoguy said...

Go BH, GO!!!!