
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sonoran Hard Time

Part 2

I heard about these videos last week but only managed to find them today. Amongst disturbing and horrific tales of sexual abuse, homicide and torture, we witness U.S. Border Patrol agents kicking over water containers left by humanitarians for illegal immigrants so that they won't die parched in the hot desert. It is pretty sickening any way you look at it. Wonder why this lady is smiling? Must have thought of something real funny.
I am not pro illegal immigration. Still I can't understand how people can become so cruel and vile as to deny water to anybody dying of thirst, whatever their immigration status. Of course these wetbacks aren't really human beings at all, just tonks.
Slap a uniform on a man or a woman and see how quickly they can devolve into the most barbaric of creatures. Unfortunately I have the feeling that this is just the tip of the story.
"Since 2004, a faith-based coalition called No More Deaths has been leaving gallon jugs of water near common migration routes in a desperate bid to save lives. But in May of this year, just as temperatures in the harsh Sonoran Desert climbed above 100 degrees, the group’s volunteers began to notice that their water bottles were being slashed, destroyed or emptied. With violence from ranchers and vigilantes a constant threat, No More Deaths installed hidden cameras. They were surprised at what they found: Border Patrol agents were purposely, even gleefully, destroying the life-saving jugs of water."

Perhaps this is the bright line that truly divides the two human camps, could you kick the jug over or not?

Members of Congress call for DOJ to investigate death of Hernandez Rojas

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