
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pala Misery

You just can't ever listen to Mel. We wanted to go out to brunch for Dixon's birthday today, happy birthday Dixon, and Mel was going on and on to Leslie about how good the brunch now was at Pala Mesa Resort.

But honey, I complained, Mel has never been right yet about a restaurant. I love her but give me a break. No, no, no, it is supposed to be great, she says so I bit my lip and wait for the inevitable. I  had wanted to go to Le Bistro which always serves a great brunch but I was outvoted. Did my best to shut up.

What a disaster. We get to the brunch table and its yucky potatoes, overcooked bacon, an omelet bar that was okay, some oatmeal and some dry pancakes. White bread in a basket. No sweet rolls. No fruit anywhere. No vegetables. No shrimp. No lox. Nothing. Disgusting looking biscuits and gravy. I have never seen a worse, or should I say, more uninspired brunch. Not even a single grape as a garnish. Old fashioned meat and starch.

Leslie asked the waiter about getting us some fruit and they said they would bring a tray to our table for four dollars. They come back with four of the smallest and most skimpy slices of melon that you could practically see through. It was just ridiculous. She got up to tell the server that she wasn't paying four bucks for the limp offering and they came and took it back to the kitchen.

The food and beverage manager was at the bar and took her complaints under submission. Another manager came by and thanked her for speaking up. I could have taken pictures of the meal but it was too depressing and will spare you.

I guess you must utilize utmost concern when frequenting a resort under receivership. Beware. Thanks, Mel.

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