
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The other Joe Walsh

"What else has she done?" he asked rhetorically. "Female, wounded veteran ... ehhh." Joe Walsh, Politico interview - March 2012

Tammy Duckworth is running for a congressional seat representing the eighth district of Illinois. Duckworth served in the National Guard, flying combat missions in Iraq until her helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade in 2004, resulting in the amputation of both her legs and loss of use of her right arm. She lost a bid for Congress in 2006, and was appointed as the state Veterans Affairs director, then assistant Veterans Affairs secretary under President Obama.

Her opponent, Tea Party incumbent Joe Walsh, says that she talks too much about her wartime efforts. In a townhall meeting on sunday, Walsh said she was no "true hero." A video of the exchange was posted on Think Progress.

“That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who — I mean, my God, that’s all she talks about,” said Walsh. “Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. Our true heroes, the men and women who served us, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we are so indebted and in awe of what they have done.

Maybe it is just me but I find it audacious that a man who has no military record can make this kind of attack on a woman who has given so much. Walsh is a tool and a frigging idiot. Maybe she doesn't comport with the behavior he remembers from watching John Wayne movies but a woman who has lost both legs in service to her country can damn well talk about whatever she pleases.

Walsh might be the biggest loser in Congress. Evicted from his condo in 2009, sued for failure to pay $117,000.00 in child support by his ex wife to pay for his three children. He had loaned his campaign 35k that year and was paying more in rent than he made in supposed income. Stiffed his former campaign manager for 20k. Lost his driving privileges in Illinois for failing to have insurance. Made CREW's most corrupt politicians list.

Here's hoping that Ms. Duckworth cleans his clock.


Sanoguy said...

I am familiar with this Joe Walsh as well as Ms. Duckworth. I have not thought much of Walsh, actually I have thought nothing about this guy. I am inclined to contribute to Ms. Duckworth's campaign. She is a fine and decent lady.

Anonymous said...

Go Duckworth!! The other one ain't worth f*ck!