
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, July 20, 2012

Jake Holmes

Dazed and Confused.

1 comment:

NYSTAN said...

Here's a bit on your good friend Jake Holmes:
One of the most successful jingle writers in history, he now lives upstate in Rockland County and pretends he is a back to the roots hippy...cracks me up. Asked my friend if he would like to stop by his studio to lay down some tracks, for no money....I blew his cover...I said, 'wait a minute....you made more money writing and singing...." BE all you can be in the AAArrrrrrrrr-meeee" than most people will see in ten lifetimes and you want my starving friend here to play your music for free??" We came back from our coffee house gig that evening with forty bucks in our pockets, gross, on the train and laughed the whole way. Jake is a very talented guy-and a terrific businessman. When we saw him, he was doing 'Old Man' Poetry, and it was superb, the cheap bastard!