
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Guadalupe Rodriguez
La Luchadora
Acrylic on Canvas
I just caught hell from my octogenarian mother. She lives in Maryland.

"Hi mom."
"You write about everybody else when they are sick. Why don't you write about me?
"Alright, mom, I'll bite. What's the matter with you?"
"Well, the doctor now says I've got MRSA and low sodium, UTI and advanced kidney disease."
"I'm sorry mom. I will make sure to write something."
"Well, don't be mean. And don't write bad things about Obama. Romney would be even worse."
"I pick on everybody mom. I have to get back to work. Love you, bye."

Four new diseases in a week. She must be ecstatic. Hope she gets and feels better soon.


Anonymous said...

apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Sanoguy said...

Robert, Robert, Robert... it's your Mom for God's sake!!

Anonymous said...

i was gonna tell u how angry she was that you hadnt mentioned her diseases but talked about others. i honestly have not heard her happier. finnaly shes sick again... she had a week of wellnness and it was unbearable. what a nut