
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bye, Nancy.

We were at Major the other day when I saw Petey Stevens son, the fireman. I asked him how our mutual friend Nancy Marcusson was doing and a gray pall came over his face. I guess she passed away when I was out of town in San Francisco. Big C. Somebody stopped by and someone forgot to tell me. Kind of weird to be asking about the condition of people who have already left their earthly coil.

I had seen Mark at the post office and tried to stop by to see her a few weeks ago when she was in hospice but she wasn't feeling too good and now its too late.

Nancy, Mark, Petey and Bill were part of my earliest coffee klatch but I had a bad experience at the Garden Center and vowed never to go back and sort of stopped regularly connecting with this group.

I have tended to gravitate towards older friends for much of my life, usually they are a tad wiser and a bit more stable. The downside is that you eventually lose them.

Nancy was always great and positive and Leslie and I will miss her, like everybody else that knew her.

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