Friday, April 6, 2012

xy hates xx

A woman in Wisconsin, working a comparable job to a man, makes about seventy five cents to every dollar he makes.  This results in a loss of wages that experts peg at approximately four thousand dollars a year for the average family.

In 2009, the Equal Pay Enforcement Act was passed in Wisconsin that allowed lawsuits over wage discrimination to be held in the less expensive state circuit court.

Today Governor Scott Walker quietly signed SB 202, which repealed the law, to the delight of business groups. The law had been previously ratified by the Wisconsin House and Senate in the last few months along party line votes.


Much has been written about the so called gender gap. The USA Today/Gallup poll last week shows Obama with an 18 point lead among women, up from 13 in the last election. Presumptive nominee Romney leads Obama by 1 point among men but by a whopping 18 men 50 or older. In this poll women self identified as Democrats by a 41 to 24% margin, men identified as Republican by a 27 to 25% margin. Obama now holds a 9 point lead in the head to head. Poll had a +/- margin of 4 points.

What is problematic about all this to the Republicans is the fact that women have a 54% majority among registered voters. It is amazing to me that the conservatives were stupid enough to fall in to the contraception/abortion/women's issues trap in the first place. Self immolation on a grand scale that I think will ultimately seal their downfall this run. They should have learned from their successes in the last election. Tell everybody it is about the economy and then smite the nation under a barrage of personhood, creationism and antiabortion amendments. Most people are too stupid to notice.

The GOP will deny that any problem exists at all. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says that the War on Women is as real as a "war on caterpillars." Our President will rightfully run with this issue and set of talking points. Look for the most gender stratified election in our history.

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