I sort of had to expunge myself from my genetics forum. The long and short of it is that my big mouth got me in trouble again.
A few months ago an arab man started peppering the site with cryptic and paranoid ravings accusing certain undetermined people of stealing his people's birthright. It didn't take long for me to unravel the guy's garbled pronouncements and figure out the group of interlopers that he was railing against. Guess who?
I called him out on a few things and the administrators were none too pleased. I had already previously been cautioned about my withering sarcasm and somewhat unorthodox approach amongst my more learned peers. It was intimated that I was perhaps overly confrontational. I had been trying to make nice but I guess it was not to be. They told me to just let him rave but I couldn't help baiting him a little bit.
Last night I got a rather oblique stern warning from one of the powers that be that retribution for my next misdeed would be swift. I did what I had to do, I pulled the plug. It was evident that my nemisis was using the forum to advance religious and geopolitical points of view that had no bearing on the intended purpose of the website. Everyone else was content to ignore him and to let him rant. I wanted to pull his fangs. Couldn't listen to it anymore. So I left. Point of honor, owe it to the tribe.
I will miss communicating with many of these people, an exceedingly bright group of laymen and geneticists. Just like it said on my kindergarten report card; Did not play well with others.
I'm glad you stood up for what you believe.
You're having a lot more stimulating experience with your blog than I am with mine. Are you shutting down BHB? I hope not. As for the fascist in question, if he can't take a joke ... f*bomb him!