Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Red corvette

I admit to a bit of scrapping when I was younger but hey I'm on the downhill side of fifty these days and my brawling days are long since over. So there I am this afternoon walking across the street after lunch when the red corvette convertible, license plate boy or something like that roars up to make a left. I am going at a fairly good clip and the young coquesuquer yells at me to walk faster and get out of the crosswalk.

I am floored and told him where to stick it. He mouths off again and I tell him to pull over, which he does. He gets out of the car and starts walking towards me, telling me that pedestrians need to have more consideration for drivers. Now it has not been a great week anyway and I am frankly about to lose it. I put my book down on the electric transformer and say "let's go." I was at a point that I was willing to absorb a little damage but he was absolutely about to get an asskicking. I don't like rich, entitled punks much anyway. Especially those that neither respect pedestrians or right of way.

My plan is to first dribble his head on the pavement like Jeremy Lin and then to put a few nice alterations in his fancy car with my foot if I have the time. He gets my vibe really quickly and runs back to his car like a little girl, telling me over his shoulder that I win this time and we will have a go some other time. I look forward to it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

next time just ignore him.


Anonymous said...

I wish I had been there to see that varmint head for zee hills when he got the vibe he was about to be toast..

Blue Heron said...

Why would I ignore an asshole like that that needs a lesson in courtesy?

Sanoguy said...

I love it!!! Way to go Blue Heron!!!

Michael Cartwright said...

What a tale! It's pretty cool when you can kick a dick's ass without even touching him! (Or bruising the hands of an artist).

My opinion for benefitting Fallbrook's Historic District used to be blocking-off Main Street. No more speeding cars, just pedestrians with money to spend.

Of course, I received a number of "scrapping" threats over this proposal.

Anonymous said...

You and I are a lot alike Mr. Sommers, except you being artistic, educated and progressive and all. Nice way to handle the Corvette dude.

Ken Seals said...

Boy! You are one mean MF!

Ken Seals said...

Also, let me know next time so I can bring my camera. Telephoto lens of course!