Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Big Mama Thornton


North County Film Club said...

I was just talking about Big Mama Thornton yesterday. I was remembering how they didn't play records with "off color" lyrics back in the 50's and early 60's on the radio. So how did I hear her record "Big Ten Inch" ?

Blue Heron said...

Ladies, please! This is a family blog.

Anonymous said...

she was first to record "Hound Dog" and "Ball 'n Chain", which did well on the early 50's r&b charts. later made into megahits by Elvis and Janis of course. her actual first name was Willie Mae, which i love.


grumpy said...

on the subject of singers, i just want to give it up here for Whitney Houston, whom we lost yesterday. one of the great voices of our time.

Anonymous said...

But not the voice of reason, you moron! I wonder what song Whitney
was singing when the bubbles in the bathtub were her final breath. She blew off an engaging career to mix up goofballs as well as marry one.
Self righteous, liberal, diehard people like you Grumpo are the reason drugs are illegal-so they don't wind up into the wrong hands. Don't mix Whitney into Big Mama Thornton's legacy.


grumpy said...

i'll take that as a compliment. have a nice day.