
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, January 27, 2012

Weekend up the coast

In a perfect world, we would all be living in Santa Barbara. Fabulous weather, gorgeous palms, the azure waters of the pacific resting off of our port side. Handsome children with exceptional confirmation and straight teeth, life's most pressing concerns might be perhaps deciding between a few volleys of tennis or a trip to the day spa. Alas, I must blame my lack of the necessary je ne sais quoi to settle into the ancestral home of the Chumash on my parents for not birthing me into the requisite tax bracket to permit my living in the custom in which I would like to grow accustomed.

Of course now it is not even enough to be filthy rich to live in these parts, now you have to be mega super rich, Oprah and Maria Shriver rich, two celebs who are regularly sighted in the pricey burg.

I am up here of course to do an antique show, a show with the lovely sobriquet of The C.A.L.M. Show. C.A.L.M. is a charity for abused kids. It is being held at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, with the cremé of my business peers. The waiting list for the show is 18 years, I was a last minute fill in.

I feel pretty good about displaying my wares to new clientele. It will all be fresh to them. The booth looks really good. Unfortunately I feel really awful, my throat is scratchy, I have a slight fever and I am worried about getting myself and others really sick. Not a lot I can do except try not to breathe and smile. No help so I will tough it out and hope for the best. As my friends are aware, I am no walk in the park when I am feeling lousy.

I am staying at the Holiday Inn and will switch rooms tonight so that I can get one with a bathtub. When I have a cold I go into a serious hot bath mode. The hotel is all right. I thought that the free breakfast buffet was amazing yesterday. Waffles, made to order omelets, fruit of every description. Quite the deal. I went back this morning and the server quickly handed me the bill for morning fare. Oops. Guess I dined and dashed. The old chew and screw. Will settle up.

I went out seeking chicken soup last night and on the recommendation of a security guard, found Rincon Bohemia near Hope Ranch. Maybe the worst chicken soup I have ever tasted. Tough chunks of fowl swimming in a crude broth of squash and potato. I downed it anyway.

Driving through Hope Ranch really gives you an idea of how the other half lives. Beautiful Spanish Revival mansions dotting the most spectacular golf course. Just idyllic. The Santa Ynez mountains to the east forming the border of what is sometimes called the American Riviera.


Will correspond as boredom sets in and the day and weekend progresses.


Anonymous said...

ever tried Dayquil? it really works for me when i have a cold which, thankfully, is rarely. also, eat as many hot peppers as you can stand, perhaps in your chicken soup. feel better and sell lots!


Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

The booth looks splendid. Hope you feel better soon.

MC. said...

My better-half swears by Dayquil. As for myself, I'm a Nyquil guy. True, it gives you a rash, diarrhea, weird dreams, suicidal thoughts and an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours, but it distracts you to the point you forget about having a cold. I know you don't watch TV, so you may not recognize the pharmaceutical TV ad references, but hopefully a bit of sick(ness)humor will perk you up. Get well & have a good show.

MC. said...

Oh, yeah ... love The Santa Barbara! If there was no San Diego, SB would be standing at the head of the line. But you need Mitt-kind-of-money to live there.

Anonymous said...

As they say "Buck up lil camper" time to rally the troops Sally forth and make some money. Day Quill, Ny Quill and a pile of dollars should make you feel all better.
Sorry your down, but get up.
Peace Brotherman.
Deli Guy****

Anonymous said...

Dear Robert,
I agree with your first commenter..."the blog burns bright," and I appreciate reading something real. You are amazingly tough and resourceful, and your descriptions resonate "like a randy jackhammer." (I can't get that thought out of my head.) I hope that the Nyquil and the bath gave you a good night's sleep and that today will be better....it kind of has to, right? Love, T