
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A vulgarism from Warren

Warren came by this morning, my occasionally manic, landsmen, ex floor trader, New York wise guy, brilliant friend. He was talking about how weird he thought it was for Rick Santorum and his wife to bring their dead child home so that their other kids could sleep with it for a couple nights. The poor kid died two hours after birth and the Santorum's slept with the dead baby the first night and then brought it home for the rest of the kids to hang out with.

I am not a parent and so have very little authority to speak to the issue, but it does seem a bit bizarre to me. My mom miscarried when I was seven and I don't recall feeling betrayed or bummed out because I never got to play with the corpse. We were more of a yahtzee family anyway. But to each his or her own. Prop him up at the kitchen table if you have to. What's the baby doing now? Oh, still dead?


If this line of discussion wasn't bad enough he launched into a topic that clearly broached all defined perimeters of good taste. Warren suggested that you start a service renting out retarded kids to political candidates, so that they could use them as props as has become somewhat fashionable lately. Warren, you have definitely gone overboard. Please do not ever suggest anything in such obvious poor taste to me again. This is a family blog that caters to a diverse demographic readership and you have been fairly warned.

Beatles, Butcher Cover Sessions


Anonymous said...

"honey I'm home"...... "oh Rick I have wonderful news......I"m pregnant!

In stead of Schlepping god's retarded blessing and then mailing it back and forth by Federal Express......Sarah under my new business plan could have simply rented.....Santorum seems to have the same shtick with his #9 child and there is no longer any reason to not rent...standing hand and hand with his adoring wife who in the last 12 years has never had time "to get dressed....And like RFK ....who was honored as "Father of the Year"......picked a job which permits so much time to play with the kids.....

Blue Heron said...

I am not going to bag on the Santorum family, Warren. People grieve in their own way. But the guy has a lot of crap coming to him. Today he got to bag on both gays and his principal political foe, comparing Homosexuality to Polygamy. Wonder who that was directed at?

Santorum also took shots at the ninth circuit, suggesting that we ship them to Guam. Rick, we folks out west like them a whole lot more than we like you. Time for the west to secede.

Anonymous said...

" Stop staring at your brother kids. You know how he hates that."

"But ma, he's decomposing again."

Anonymous said...

......number nine......number nine.......number nine.....

grumpy said...

Warren, you are off the charts, man...like watching late night Twilight Zone episodes...crazy...i dig it....