
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tableside justice

John Castle with Rosita, the Duchess of Marlboro
John Castle, a 76 year old leverage buyout king, has allegedly broke a waiter's finger at the exclusive Club Colette in Palm Beach for poor service. The waiter had the audacity to bring a bill to Castle's table and enraged, the financial baron seized the 57 year old server's finger and bent it back until it broke. The waiter is said to have brought the bill at the request of Castle's wife Marianne. Palm Beach police are said to be investigating, don't be surprised to see the poor waiter being indicted for a host of charges. At least he should lose his job. Castle has a long history on the social register in Palm Beach, he bought the Kennedy family compound in 1995.

I do think that this server is lucky to be alive, let alone still working at the tony establishment. Imagine his impertinence. In my day, say 17th century France, he would have beaten and throttled within an inch of his life for his transgression. But how do you find help that knows its place in this day and age? Hallo, Monsieur Foucault...? But this is a failure of today's culture, the serfs have forgotten their place. If we don't hold the line in Palm Beach just where can we establish our beach head? Punishment should be swift and uncompromising. This act of insolence will be remedied soon enough. Bravo, Mr. Castle. We will show those ill born schmucks.

Here is the police report:

On January 8, 2011 at 10:11 p.m., I responded to the Palm Beach Police Department in reference to a complaint in the lobby. I met with the complainant, Paul Kucik, w/m, dob: 11-24-1954 of 2413 NW 7th Street, Boynton Beach FL.
Kucik stated that he was a waiter at Club Colette located at 215 Peruvian Avenue and on the night of January 7, 2012 at approximately 9:00 p.m., he was physically assaulted by a club member known to him as John Castle, who is approximately in his mid 70`s age. Kucik stated that Mrs. Castle requested that Kucik bring her their dinner bill. Kucik stated that when he returned to the Castles` dinner table, Mrs. Castle instructed him to give the bill to her husband, John Castle who was seated across the dinner table from her.
Kucik stated that he attempted to hand Mr. Castle the bill and Mr. Castle became irate with him and yelled, "You schmuck, why did you bring the bill to the table?" Kucik stated that he replied, "because your lady asked for it." Kucik stated while he stood on the left side of Mr. Castle, he (Kucik) attempted to hand Mr. Castle an ink pen. Mr. Castle began ranting and grabbed Kucik`s left hand and began squeezing and twisting his fingers. Kucik stated that Mr. Castle had a very tight grip of his left hand and Kucik had to pull his left hand out of Mr. Castle`s grasp. Kucik stated he was not certain which hand Mr. Castle grabbed his left hand with, but he believed Mr. Castle used his right hand.
Kucik stated that he immediately notified his employer of the incident, but no action was taken. Kucik stated he began experiencing pains in his fingers as a result of Mr. Castle`s actions. Kucik stated that on January 8, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., he went to the M.D. Walk-In Clinic located on Lantana Road. Kucik stated an X-Ray of his fingers indicated that his left ring finger was broken.
I did observe that Kucik`s left ring finger and pinkie finger were wrapped in blue medical tape.
Kucik was uncertain if he wanted to file an Affidavit of Prosecution against Mr. Castle at this time and stated that he would contact the police department within a few days after consulting with an attorney.


grumpy said...

never been a waiter. but retail sales, i'm telling you, can be dangerous. i've had people scream at me. spit on me even. all kinda crazy shit... that waiter, i hope he sues that mofo. for his last penny. serve him right.

Anonymous said...

next time cut off his hand.

Blue Heron said...

Great comments on Gawker http://gawker.com/5874796/john-castle-76+year+old-palm-beach-plutocrat-breaks-insolent-waiters-finger

shawnintland said...

Another great case of 'entitlement Justice! Have a look at the youtube of an airport security cam put up on Monday showing the (off-duty) head of Thai Customs boxing the ears of one of the airport security guards who had the audacity to assume he would be allowed to run his metal detector across the body of his 'Superior' as his duty calls for! Probably now going to be International repercussions & consequences by airlines due to lax security!

Anonymous said...

I bet he is a Republican and supports Santorum or Romney.
So much for family values.