
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I got a little bit tipsy last night. I was eating dinner a bit north of here with a couple friends. Only had a couple glasses but definitely got addled. Not drunk but almost seasick. A bit nauseous. I had mixed white and red. White wine does strange things to me. Plus I had been up since four in the morning, having gone to an early sale in Point Loma. So it hammered me.

No problem driving but the experience was a little liquid. 

I can count the actual times in my life I have been drunk on one hand. I like to taste but I usually have a foot on the brake pedal. Am I lying?

Oy, shiker iz a goy, shiker iz a goy,
shiker iz er, trinken muz er,
vayl er iz a goy. 

We were drinking Rombauer, lovely stuff. Wonder what's the alcohol content? Keister knocking fun. But I have been feeling funky all day. And what's tonight? A wine tasting. Oy.


My friend the accent aigu ´ showed me a very cool app on her iphone. If you have friends with iphones have them check out the app called songify. You speak into it and it makes a song out of your words, in a variety of musical styles like techno or reggae. There is as yet no android version. I am almost ready to get a iphone because this app is so damn cool.

´ had a book on her kitchen table by Paul Hawken. I picked it up and started reading about how the information economy was going to overtake our goods or commodities based economy. I looked at the date of the book, The Next Economy. It was written in 1983. Very prescient. Hawken is just an amazing man.

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