
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, January 2, 2012

Money wins

George Washington in consultation with Jefferson and Hamilton, Constantino Brumidi 1870-73.
Newt Gingrich accuses Mitt Romney of buying the election today. And as much as I ever hate to agree with the Newtster, he might be right on this one. The Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling opened the door for unlimited funding from anonymous superpacs, in reality top operatives staying at semi arms length for show.

Now that corporations are deemed people the floodgates are open to now sell elections to the highest bidder. Our founders would be spinning. Newt crumbled in Iowa in the face of superpac funding of an onslaught of negative advertising, which every political consultant or poll shows works very effectively.

A corporatist and federalist SCOTUS adopts the Federalists' concept of power flowing to and from the landed aristocracy. May the biggest checkbook win!


Sanoguy said...

Here's the irony: the Newtster supported (strongly) the Citizens United decision. Singing a different tune now, me thinks.

Anonymous said...

Be careful Robert .....Charles and Mary Beard....I think is the correct name of the classic work on the economic interests of the Founding Fathers ....George Washington may have been the richest man in the "states"....no one owning art galleries was there at the Convention..how ever you do own the building and thus might qualify....please do not bring Leslie as she will not get in ....$$$$ has always been the game and the Supreme Court decision only gave....De Jure to De facto.....Obama private dinners for $ 36,000 a plate is not " chopped liver".....in reality at some point short of literally buying votes per se how much more can you $aturate the media....the generic source of power is the corporation and the affiliated interests....Obama removed the "sign in books" at White House books and the lobbying takes place off property so to speak...