
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Getting Pissy.

Please forgive me for a nasty sarcastic chuckle if I fail to muster suitable sympathy for our current "urinegate" fiasco in Afghanistan. Pissing on corpses breaks all international rules of decency not to mention Marquis de Queensbury and good taste. We are told that it is particularly galling to the peace loving followers of Islam. But wait a second.

Not to engage in a moral equivalency tit for tat but what is worse; pissing on an enemy already dead or throwing handicapped people out of their wheelchairs and off the side of the Achille Lauro? Or massacring little children at an elementary school at Ma'alot? Or trying to kill a cartoonist for drawing a picture? Or blowing up the World Trade Center? Burying your daughter in the dirt and stoning her for getting raped? I could of course go on and on, I won't. But isn't it a strange type of selective moral indignation to raise a hue and cry over piss, when the normal accepted currency of your culture and theology is the suicide bomb?


Anonymous said...

Robbie, your most dissapointing blog ever. it doesnt matter how disgusting these uncivilized baby killing sand fuckers are, we sink to their level when we piss on them. nuke them and piss in the toilet. love buzz

grumpy said...

buzz, aside from the nuke them bit, i concur.

Anonymous said...

These dead human beings being pissed on were responsible for the Achille Lauro, 9/11, and attacking a cartoonist? Seriously? You need to step back and employ some critical thinking skills. We don't even know if these dead people were guilty of anything. Maybe they were just farmers who had attractive daughters the Marines wanted to rape. Who knows?
And speaking about hypocricy, how about the outrage in America a few years ago when the corpses of 4 Blackwater mercenaries were strung up on a bridge in Iraq. The Marines went in and wiped out the whole city of Fallujah, women and children included. Yet when Americans piss on those they kill and take trophy photos it is nothing to be concerned about.
Overcome your tribal thinking and use your brain man.

Blue Heron said...

Can I double down? We are talking about cultural morés in a macro sense, it is obviously impossible to get a read on the individual views of these corpses. Isn't it interesting that we can assume that they were just innocent farmers now? Because obviously the United States military will only kill the innocent whose daughters we want to rape. Now that's critical thinking.

Did you see the pictures of the afghani girl whose face was disfigured with acid by her family members because she refused to prostitute herself last month? Do I remember the Achille Lauro and Ma'alot? You bet I do. And when I hear suicide bombing or ied, I must apologize for instantly thinking about a certain theology that doesn't shrink from killing innocents, and while not responsible for all similar acts (see Eric Rudolph or Tim McVeigh) definitely reaps the lion's share.