
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, January 9, 2012

Diamond Jim

Diamond Jim Brady

"Some will rob you with a sixgun while others rob you with a pen."
Pretty Boy Floyd, Woody Guthrie

"You have to ask the question, is capitalism really about the ability of a handful of rich people to manipulate the lives of thousands of people and then walk off with the money?"
Newt Gingrich

It appears that Mitt Romney has a bit of a credibility problem. Or perhaps it is a character problem. He denies ever seeing a super PAC advertisement and than a minute later describes it in great detail. Hey politicians lie, big shock. Now maybe Mitt does enjoy firing people, maybe he doesn't. Plenty rich guys do. The facts are that Bain Capital engaged in some pretty ruthless moves. Putting 30 million into a company and stripping out 600 million, firing about 1200 people along the way. Pilfering the pension plan. Lots of stories like that. Load the company up with debt, take a huge management fee and then let it go bankrupt.

Now folks will tell you that is just good business, the American way. Don't mess with free enterprise son, just make sure you stay out of the way when the wrecking ball comes down your road. Cause these guys will skin you alive. Leave nothing but the bones and get nothing on their fancy suits. Whistle over the carcass.

Lady across the way's husband had a stroke. Another company just bought the company, reduced him to a buck laborer after thirty years at the firm and cut his wages 50 and his pension 70%. Labor attorney says they do it because they can.


Democrats look like they can just sit back and watch the Republicans engage each other with these vicious body shots.  Soften em up, find all the chinks in the armor.


Funny how things come around. Just last week Mitt unleashed a 3 million dollar PAC bomb on Newt, pretty much wiping him out in Iowa. Well Newt has friends. Sheldon Adelson, the owner of the Venetian and the Sands in Macau is the third richest man in the country. And he's Newt's pal. Newt had helped Sheldon out once in Vegas with that culinary union problem. And Sheldon never forgets a favor.

This media PAC buy is going to do damage, may not be terminal but the wounds will be slow to heal. Super PAC's have made campaign finance a joke, biggest wallet wins. This GOP internecine conflict is great, I have no horse in the race. Be Iran and Iraq, kill each other, what do I care?


Romney doesn't want you to think that its always been easy. Times were pretty tough there for a while for the young investment banker son of the multi millionaire governor.


Romney has just dashed the ultimate dream of the most narcissistic and arrogant politician of our time. If you do not think that Gingrich will rend the heavens and scorch the earth, immolating everything unfortunate enough to get in his path, than you haven't been paying attention. Wouldn't give you a nickel for Mitt's chances.

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