Thursday, December 8, 2011

State of the disunion

Just when you thought that the level of political discourse in this country couldn't get any stupider or sillier:

Sidwell Friends, the private school where the Obama's send their daughters, had an asian inspired meal yesterday, the day that coincidentally was Pearl Harbor Day. Horrors, the insensitivity. Certain conservatives were up in arms. Maybe we should have had armed gangs patrolling the sushi bars in our country, kicking ass and taking names for this unpatriotic faux pas. Good grief. The school told the Washington Post that the menu was "just a fluke."

Here are some of the more interesting comments from the WUSA website:

"Jap food or no, whoever scheduled December 7th as Asian food day should be fired, or at least publically(sic) identified as a self-hating American."

"I don't blame them for wanting a break from their strict Muslim diet.

"... I agree with you! Veiled or not, the Obama's are having a grand time deriding and eroding our American traditions. I was born in Mexico but adopted the American citizenship out of conviction that since I live in this country I have to honor its laws and traditions. It is a great privilege to live in this country; I love America and cringe that someone, like the Obama's, don't waste any opportunity to slap America on the face. The enemies of America may try to demean Pearl Harbor Day; still, Japan had its comeuppance after that infamous attack. God bless America!"

"What else would anyone expect out of the fraud and his brats and the Liberals? BTW, the brats are extremely homely."

"Wouldn't you know it? The gift that keeps on giving--the most in your face anti-American administration in our history. The Pearl Harbor attack was a deliberate unprovoked attack on the United States of America, period. It was truly a Day of Infamy. Unless we remember and learn from the past we are likely to repeat our mistakes. Let's all become students of our real history and not the rewritten anti-American textbook version our children are exposed to in most schools. Where am I wrong?"

"Hahahahaa, nothing the Liberals do now shocks me anymore. Normally on Veteran's Day the President hangs around with the VFW, Barack Hussien Obama aka Barry Soetoro, or whatever his name is now, was nowhere to be seen. On National Prayer Day our Anti-Christian President had better things to do, so, who cares, I don't anymore, I just pray for Nov. 2012 to get here so we can kick this bum out of the White House and put all of his appointees and Czars on the Un-employment line, especially Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis."


Of course the stupidity and hatred for this president runs deeper than this one incident. Obama was castigated on Thanksgiving for not mentioning god in his three minute speech.

“Somebody ought to remind Obama that when Americans sit down around a meal today and give thanks, they give thanks to God.” Las Vegas Review-Journal’s columnist Sherman Frederick.

“Unreal that Obama doesn’t mention God in Thanksgiving message. Militant atheist. To whom does he think we are giving thanks?” Conservative columnist Ben Shapiro

Obama did thank god in his written thanksgiving proclamation, but that is obviously not good enough for some.

“As we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to God for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. Let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come.”

ABC News pointed out that three of the GOP presidential candidates – former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former Penn. Sen. Rick Santorum – also omitted God in the Thanksgiving statements they issued. Nobody goes after them, of course. Welcome to the theocracy, better step right.


In my town, Fallbrook, a lot of people are up in arms because the new library doesn't have a flagpole to fly the American flag. Forgive me if I am an agnostic on this issue. Having a flag or not having a flag on the library doesn't really fly with me. God knows, there are flags all over town. If they aren't big enough for you, you can visit that gas station in Temecula. I don't think the absence of the flag means that the library, community or patrons in Fallbrook are any less patriotic than in any other community. I do think that a requirement for a flag on every building is indicative of a certain degree of shallowness regarding just what constitutes patriotism. I love my country, I admire the sacrifices and blood shed by those who have secured its freedoms, I don't see a need for a phony and xenophobic litmus test.


  1. Agreed!! The library has so many different design and decorative elements layered up like a wedding cake that in hardly needs one more. However if those who must see a flag there want to finance it, then I don't suppose any real harm will be done.

  2. The money would have been so much better spent on books- which, after all, is what a library is for. What phony, misplaced patriotism!!!

  3. Maybe spend som time asking who planted the roof , looks like crap. Good idea bad plants I guess.
    I don't think the God thing needs to be in Thanksgiving, there are other things to be thankful for the guy gets enough thanks already.
    Deli guy.

  4. lost okie said a library without a flag is a barn full of books, so go figure...
