
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, December 16, 2011

Retake the ship

My buddy BigD lost his hair yesterday. Heavy duty chemo, the picc line thing. BigD asked me if I would show my solidarity with his fight against lymphoma and now shave my head? Uh, only if we both wear red lipstick and sport red hoop earrings. Loved that look on the puerto rican girls when I was a kid in the city. Anyway don't think its going to happen. Big fat guy, starting to get crows feet and bald is not a good look.


Lots of kibbitzers today, no gelt. I am pulling every lever and flipping some switches I never ever touch and who knows something might pay off? I am pretty resourceful after all and not too bad at my job.  Live a nice life.


My friend Vlad near Laguna Seca is tired of hearing my bellyaching about poverty. He says the skid row symbolism doesn't mesh real well with the intermittent flashes of fois gras and oyster provencalé. And just who said poverty had to be so icky?


I had a minor league epiphany while working out with my long term trainer, the lovely Jeaneane this morning. I was balancing and doing my alternate swim move on the big ball and I lost it for a second, precessing and wobbling. And I just dove in and experienced it and I righted myself. And I had one of those dime store philosophical flashes - the whole freaking planet is in a wobble, rich or poor, we are all scared and freaked out, constantly bombarded with a steady stream of negative news and negative economic reports and very nervous about nothing so much as uncertainty and we just need to explore that wobble and find our balance again and it is so doable. Embrace the wobble. Take a breath, find or sea legs and move forward. Please blow a bubble of psychic love and warmth over the head of my friend BigD so that he gets well and we get to experience a whole bunch more time together.


True friends stab you in the front.
Oscar Wilde

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