Tuesday, December 6, 2011

President Obama, toying with the liberal base again.

“This country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, and when everyone plays by the same rules."
President Barack Obama 12.6.11


As disappointed as I am in our president, the compromiser in chief, I have five good reasons why I will end up plugging my nose and voting for the guy; Alito, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Kennedy. I am strongly pro choice and the Right to Life movement is making their move right now, all over this country with these personhood amendments. Ohio wants to declare termination illegal after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Abortion is traumatic and can be a very sad event but it sure beats another unwanted or unloved child. I applaud women who know the limits of their capabilities.


All of the major Republican candidates are pro lifers and have pledged to sign on to the Personhood pledge. Huntsman has been bending right but he doesn't have a snowball's chance anyway. Too bad. I could see voting for the guy.
“Governor Huntsman supports a federal amendment that would ensure legal protections for the unborn,” said Huntsman spokesman Tim Miller. “He’s proud of his record in Utah and will continue to advocate for life on a national level.”
My chosen Republican candidate, Gary Johnson, is pro abortion rights. But he can't even get on stage with the other guys, the media choosing to freeze him out of the discussion. People say Johnson should go third party and I am sure that the conservatives would love it, because I think I am safe in saying that the stoner vote would be "in the bag." He would siphon off a lot of Obama's votes, much like Nader once did and ultimately help the Republican ticket.

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