Our dinner companions last night mentioned that their son John Vivanco had produced an upcoming National Geographic special on Remote Viewing, one of two pieces he has produced and that they are running in the weeks ahead. What I didn't realize was that he was the remote viewer. Being a fairly sheltered sort, long without a television, I was unfamiliar with the term Remote Viewing until last night when our friends gave us a quick schematic. Fascinating topic, very anxious to see the special.
Remote Viewing is a technique of seizing impressions of distant objects, events or targets, using paranormal or extra sensory means. Research into the phenomenon started in the 19th century under Michael Faraday. The techniques were explored heavily by the Russians during the Cold War, with the Americans (having a strong premonition that they were going to be left behind), soon to follow.
From Wiki:
In the early 1970s, Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ joined the Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory at Stanford Research Institute (SRI)[11]. (Holy MK - Ultra ! - Editor)
In addition to their mainstream scientific research work on quantum mechanics and laser physics, they initiated several studies of the paranormal. These were supported with funding from the Parapsychology Foundation and the newly-formed Institute of Noetic Sciences.From World War II until the 1970s the US government occasionally funded ESP research. When the US intelligence community learned that the USSR and China were conducting ESP research, it became receptive to the idea of having its own competing psi research program. (Schnabel 1997)
In 1972, Puthoff tested remote viewer Ingo Swann at SRI, and the experiment led to a visit from two employees of the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology. The result was a $50,000 CIA-sponsored project. (Schnabel 1997, Puthoff 1996,[14] Kress 1977/1999[citation needed], Smith 2005) As research continued, the SRI team published papers in Nature,[15] in Proceedings of the IEEE (Puthoff & Targ, 1976),[16] and in the proceedings of a symposium on consciousness for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Puthoff, et al., 1981.
The initial CIA-funded project was later renewed and expanded. A number of CIA officials, including John N. McMahon (then the head of the Office of Technical Service and later the Agency's deputy director), became strong supporters of the program.
In the mid 1970s sponsorship by the CIA was terminated and picked up by the Air Force. In 1979, the Army's Intelligence and Security Command, which had been providing some taskings to the SRI investigators, was ordered to develop its own program by the Army's chief intelligence officer, General Ed Thompson. CIA operations officers, working from McMahon's office and other offices, also continued to provide taskings to SRI's subjects. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, Atwater 2001)
Under the banner "Stargate project", SRI managed a number of "natural" psychics. The most famous results from these years were the description of "a big crane" at a Soviet nuclear research facility by Pat Price's (Kress 1977/1999, Targ 1996[citation needed]) and Joseph McMoneagle,[17] a description of a new class of Soviet strategic submarine by a team of three viewers including McMoneagle,(Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002) and Rosemary Smith's [18] location of a downed Soviet bomber in Africa (which former President Carter later referred to in speeches). By the early 1980s numerous offices throughout the intelligence community were providing taskings to SRI's psychics. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005) In 1984 viewer McMoneagle was awarded a legion of merit for determining "150 essential elements of information...producing crucial and vital intelligence unavailable from any other source".[7]In the early 1990s the Military Intelligence Board, chaired by DIA chief Soyster, appointed an Army Colonel, William Johnson, to manage the remote viewing unit and evaluate its objective usefulness. Funding dissipated in late 1994 and the program went into decline. The project was transferred out of DIA to the CIA in 1995.
In 1995, the CIA hired the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to perform a retrospective evaluation of the results generated by the Stargate project. Reviewers included Ray Hyman and Jessica Utts. Utts maintained that there had been a statistically significant positive effect,[19] with some subjects scoring 5%-15% above chance.[20] Hyman argued that Utts' conclusion that ESP had been proven to exist, "is premature, to say the least."[21] Hyman said the findings had yet to be replicated independently, and that more investigation would be necessary to "legitimately claim the existence of paranormal functioning."[21] Based upon both of their studies, which recommended a higher level of critical research and tighter controls, the CIA terminated the 20 million dollar project in 1995.[8] Time magazine stated in 1995 three full-time psychics were still working on a $500,000-a-year budget out of Fort Meade, Maryland, which would soon be shut down.[8]
There have been various other cloak and dagger attempts at harnessing these purported abilities, all easily accessible in your search engine. I, for one, have both had these type of intuitions and experiences. I am a believer.
In the late seventies I was drilling a well on a large property I owned with a partnership. The first attempt, made in concert with a dowser, came up dry and it was getting very expensive for us. The dowser returned and made a second sighting. We drilled again, very deep - over 500' and were about to give up hope.
My friend, the late Douglas Monroe, had a mother who was an exceptional psychic who lived with a group of gay psychics in Berkeley. The group had once located a wallet I had lost, group thinking at a table and telling me it was under something brown. (It was.) I sent them a map of the property and the well. Did you know that dowsers can dowse off a map? The answer came back quickly. Only five more feet, lo and behold, they were spot on. An incredible clean spring, right where they said it would be. I like most of us, could talk all day about these sorts of lucky coincidences we probably dismiss on a daily basis.
It is my understanding that John has a special gift and I look forward to watching the upcoming program.
RV is a topic that comes up now and then on late night talk radio, ie Coast to Coast with George Norrie (before him Art Bell); thanks for the tip on the NG special.