
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Welfare mommies

My building is right in front of the County welfare building, the place where people come to pick up their monthly checks. I have watched the process for several years and must admit to be a little dumbfounded. You would not believe how many young women, of all colors, are pushing three and four babies around with them, often with another soon to pop out, fresh from the oven. No job, no father, no problem. The county will give you money and provide you with free medical care. The cars that are in and out of the parking lot, Escalades, Chrysler 300's, the indigent have a lot better ride than I am sporting, I can tell you that. People are definitely gaming the system.

If I was on welfare and could not support myself without assistance I would think long and hard about having one, let alone a whole brood of brats on the public dole. I was talking to a friend about this yesterday and he said that the more kids they have, the more money they could get so the welfare moms like to keep a continual hatch going.

It pisses me off that I have to pay for these irresponsible families with my taxes. If you can't do an adequate job of raising one kid, having a string of little tykes just ain't going to make the whole thing any better. And if god has told you that you are free to multiply, make sure that he is going to cover the bill for your living gesture of faith. Because I certainly don't want to.

I am not a breeder so my information might be a little suspect but it appears to me that the wrong people are having the babies these days. And they do it seemingly without a care in the world. Because somebody else is going to foot the bill. If you can not afford to raise a child, do me, the child and yourself a favor, don't.


Anonymous said...

Robert, There is hope for you after all! Good post!

Anonymous said...

I don't disagree with your opinion on folks with too many kids, nor do I have a solution. It did occur to me that the County building is a multiple service center (I think), so some of the drivers may be there for something besides a free lunch--I think.

North County Film Club said...

Pretty simplistic thinking, Robert. I'm surprised at you!

Blue Heron said...

I felt a bit smarmy and mean spirited with this post, maybe even simplistic and thought about pulling the post. But now that it is inspiring comments, will run with it.

Certainly not p.c. and I can do not know the motivations of every dole recipient. Certain people believe that putting little brown zapatos on the ground is part of some grand reconquest a plan for greater Aztlan. I do not believe that but can't help but thinking that some recent émigrés come to our shores and think they won the big lottery. Medical care, food stamps, I love this country.

White sketchers no better. The ability to breed is no special talent kids, been going on since time immemorial. Consider abstinence or contraception.

grumpy said...

refreshingly honest, as usual; right on.

Anonymous said...

If you want to get pissed off, get pissed off at the billions you and I and other taxpayers are coughing up for CORPORATE WELFARE, you maroon! What fucked up priorities little minds like yours have.

Blue Heron said...

If you feel so strongly, I suggest signing your post with your name, you anonymous jackoff.

Anonymous said...

We must kill all welfare recipients and their children before they can breed, especially people from third world countries and Alabama.,

Anonymous said...

What fun.
Nice post Sir.
Deli Guy..

windowdancer said...

Don't ever pull your punches...

Especially when you are so right.

I do believe we need to help people that need help (especially when children are involved) but I also feel that money for nothing quickly becomes a never ending treadmill. If these welfare moms (or dads) are able bodied souls then they should be required to work a 40 hour week to get their welfare check. Daycare centers could be set up with some welfare recipients babysitting children while others work in what ever area they are suited for. Think WPA. If you aren't good at anything then a training program would be in order.

I lived in the South back in the late 70's and saw both whites and blacks abuse the the welfare system to no end. It's gotten much worse today.

I'm sick of this Money for nothing mentality... Unless of course there's "Chicks for free."


windowdancer said...

To the poster that said

"If you want to get pissed off, get pissed off at the billions you and I and other taxpayers are coughing up for CORPORATE WELFARE, you maroon! What fucked up priorities little minds like yours have."

Yeah... I agree... That also needs to be fixed... And yes, I for one am really pissed off about it.

But what does one have to do with the other?

Not a darn thing.

"Little minds like yours" shouldn't be calling people names when you're trying to get your point across (especially when you spell it wrong). It only serves to highlight your ignorance by belittling yourself and your position.

Now... For your punishment... Go buy a dictionary and write I will not be a "MORON" 500 times.


grumpy said...

well spoken, WD; i think most, if not all, of us are not anti-welfare, just anti those who abuse it.

Anonymous said...

Window Dancer, you moron-- you're so culturally bereft that you don't know Bugs Bunny's famous insult "What a maroon!" when you see it! Jeez... What a maroon!

Anonymous said...

Grumpy, The problem, whether Wall Street or a "Main Street Mommie" begins with the government hand out. Once hooked on the hand out, it is hard to refuse the free ride. My guess is that there could be more abuse than need.

Splash! said...

Are you preaching to the choir?
Bet not one of those welfare folks read the Blue Heron Blast.

windowdancer said...


I must admit that I never watched cartoons growing up.

So... As for your punishment...

Please go to your room and write I will not be a "MAROON" 500 TIMES.


Anonymous said...

As a welfare mother i resent all the foolish comments your blog has posted. Im proud of giving birth to a pair of twin boys, and no i never got married because i did not know the father. I was only 16 and had been drinking and made a stupid mistake. I never considered getting a abortion. My parents kicked me out of the house when they found out i was pregnant and the father never gave me any money and now he is serving time in nevada until he turns 18.
Last week i found out i was 4 months pregnant by another man who is married and i dont want to break his marriage up because he told me he loves his wife and he has no money to help me out with. So Im not to proud to ask for help. If your readers are so dam proud to think im taking something for nothing then screw them. One of your readers showed me this crap you wrote and it makes me mad to hear all there b s.

windowdancer said...


If the father of the twins who you "did not know" is still in jail until he is 18 then you probably are still a teenager yourself.

First of all, there is nothing wrong with being on welfare. It is there to help those who truly need it.

I think Grumpy said it best in his post...

"i think most, if not all, of us are not anti-welfare, just anti those who abuse it."

Hard times can fall on anyone and we all make mistakes. Especially when we're young. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes. If we don't... we pay a price.

That price may be our own self-esteem.

There are lots of nonprofit organizations in most communities that are there to help people who want to help themselves.

Remember, welfare can be a lifelong way of life or it can be a helpful stepping stone on the road to a better future.

Twenty years flies by in the blink of an eye. The question you need to ask yourself is do I want to be a lifelong welfare mom... or do I want to make something of myself?

That is a decision only you can make.


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