
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stranger in a strange land

The trip to New Mexico has been proceeding, as they say, according to chalk. The first evening I stopped in Phoenix and spent the night, picking up paintings from some friends. It was 113° in Arizona, like living in a blast furnace. I was treated to an amazing all night lightning storm that they said was the strongest in memory. Won't bore you with all the details but have seen rainbows every day, from every vantage. My right foot was sore from pushing the accelerator all day and the muscle behind my right knee is still as tight as a bow string.

The antique show opened today for a preview and I set up all day, took longer than usual, maybe because of the heat and humidity. I sold a few things. Hesitated too long contemplating buying a beautiful art deco french nude and missed out on it. Couple more days to go.

There is a tattoo show at the Hilton and I talked my way in, telling the promoter that I was a blogger and that I wanted to take some shots. The people at the Duke City Tattoo Fiesta were all very nice but I admit to feeling quite unadorned in the midst of all the ink. These people have made a choice, and many have reached a point of no return. Lots of face tattoos, something that I think is unadvised but then again it is their choice and not mine. Anyhow I watched a tattoo competition in the ballroom and it was quite interesting. Sort of like landing on a new planet.

I have to say that some of the artistry was exceptional. Fellow on top offered to give me a camera tattoo but I had to decline, citing long standing tribal prohibitions.


grumpy said...

another thought provoking post; the people you describe have indeed passed the point of no return; in a way, they're doing us a favor, as their abundance of tattoos let us know what we're dealing with, ie individuals who are likely anti-social, and possibly sociopaths and criminals; although i'm sure not all fit this profile, many do; beware.

Anonymous said...

Im with Grumpy on this one. The blond in your photo is throwin down some sign. The finger to thumb cirle means "sol", the southern faction of the Mexican mafia. People shoot each other dead over such ideation.

Brian V

Blue Heron said...

I am merely a reporter...

grumpy said...

thanks Brian, i thought i was gonna catch a lot of flack for my previous comment; glad at least one person agrees with me...

Anonymous said...

Well, I think its almost extra-social. Epidermal bumper stickers, wearing their hearts on their sleeves,so to speak. Although some of the artwork is cool, it's become such a cliche that its necessary for more extreme tatooing and piercing. Can't wait to see what's
next, maybe with bio-technology people can add more digits or ears. - More to pierce!!

Anonymous said...

but at the same time, under the skin we're all just people, which i realized yesterday when i had a pleasant chat with a tattooed guy who had an adorable puppy with him, an icebreaker in any situation...g.

tattoos designs said...

man is deeply mad for tattoos designs