
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, August 26, 2011

Like a Hurricane, earthquake, locust or boil

Hurricane Tracker - Google Maps

Hope all of our loved ones are okay. Looks like it is petering out a bit. Maybe god isn't so mad after all!

Shmucky New York Rabbi Yehuda Levin blames last week's earthquake on gay marriage. He quotes g-d “You have shaken your shmeckel, I too shall shake the Earth.”

He says that there will be literally hell to pay for the sodomites which is a bit strange since there is no real hell in judaism, except for perhaps eating the gentile's kosher dill pickles, which come to think of it, sounds a little bit gay too.


Pat Robertson hopes that you are finally happy, now that god has decided to put a crack in the Washington Monument. Old blast readers can remember that we have been through all this before with Pat, back when Haiti made that ol' nasty deal with the devil.

“It seems to me the Washington Monument is a symbol of America’s power. It has been the symbol of our great nation. We look at the symbol and we say ‘this is one nation under God.’ Now there’s a crack in it... Is that sign from the Lord? ... You judge. It seems to me symbolic.” 
Pat Robertson

Not to be outdone in the idiot department by his lunatic religious cousins, Muslim cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi came up with this gem last year, “Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes.” The message is clear, god is truly pissed and he is going to hit us where it hurts. Don't say that you haven't been warned.

A survey by Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with the Religion News Service, reported by CNN, shows that 4 in 10 Americans (38 percent) believe that earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters are a sign from God.

Glenn Beck certainly thinks so. He calls Hurricane Irene a blessing. So I guess we can surmise that the more people die, the greater god's love for us, hey Glenn. Sounds pretty old testament. You ever meet Yehuda Levin?

Rep. Eric Cantor feels that we should be able to provide disaster relief to victims of the storm's onslaught, that is as long as we can take the free milk cartons away from kids receiving school lunches on the government's dime or can kick a little senior citizen dead weight off the welfare rolls. Not a penny without reciprocal cuts. You got to love these guys. Tough love in action.

locust swarm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do idiots like these get the bully pulpit? That God fellow sure is one nasty little prick according to them. Just the kind of kid you would have avoided in middle school because he would steal your lunch money.