Saturday, July 2, 2011

Odds and Sods

Dr. Shinobu Ishihara Color Test
Helen emailed over the very cool X-Rite color test. The accompanying letter said that women are apparently superior in how they see colour. According to X-Rite (the people who supply Munsell colour products), 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency.

I scored a 12.  I assume that is pretty average. Let me know how you do.

Sanoguy offers this cool picture he took on the monkey trail recently in Bali. He was visiting a son that lives there. Although there is a slight familial resemblance, this is not his son.

Brett just came back from Hopi and Canyon de Chelle and sent over this gorgeous picture of Spider Rock.

I saw this homeless person on Mission Rd. during the morning commute. Right off my street. She was sporting a healthy beard and flipped me a peace sign. Pretty good vibes really, didn't seem psychotic. We don't get that many homeless with carts around these parts.

I saw a lot of homeless on my way to and from from the Padres last week. Lined up around 15th and market. Large encampments and tent cities. I looked at one guy reading a paperback and made eye contact. Smart guy, could have been any one of us. Just broker.

I stole this picture from Barbara at Banar Designs and made a composite. She took a lot of nice shots at the fair. Barbara used to design album covers as well as a bunch of other arty things and is really a lot of fun and a loyal blast reader to boot.


  1. Nor is it moi... no self portraits here!!!

  2. I scored 62. The only time I had to use a color
    chart was in scoring canned tomatoes. There's a
    Munsell chart you use to give them a grade. Obviously
    I was not the right person for that job.


  3. Interesting test, I did it quickly and scored a seven... think I could ace it if I took more time. Misplaced three in blue-green and four in red-violet.


  4. That composite of my photo from the fair is great. I think I'll steal it for my blog. If we enter it in a show do we put both our names on it?
    I only scored 24 on the color test-that was on my second try! I'm supposed to be a color expert. Helen suggested my screen might be off a bit. Maybe needs calibrating. Couldn't possibly be me! From now on I'm coming to you for color testing.

  5. Glad to share credit with you, Barbara.


  6. I also went through it quickly and scored an 8. Then slowly and meticulously I repeated the test by rearranging and comparing individual swatches, as well as pulling back and looking at the whole group. That method got me a 16.

  7. Where do you think she imported that cart from?
    It looks kind of like a target cart, but slightly different...

  8. Four of us did the color test jointly yesterday. We collectively scored a four. Three out of four aced their portion.
