
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, July 11, 2011

More this and that

LO-Gas © Robert Sommers

I received a link to the Full Civic Literacy Exam from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Robert DeGoff scored an 87%. Interestingly enough, Millard and I posted the same score of 79% with me a few hundredths below him. Which I think is impossible, we probably both had the same lousy score. Let me know how you do.


Bill L. sends over this link of Ken Robinson talking about education and how schools stifle creativity.


Grumpy sends me this interesting link called When tennis went electric with some Dylan/Bloomfield material at the end.


WildBill sent me this picture from his travel around Fallbrook. An education is a terrible thing to waste. Well, these kids have sure convinced me.

Hudgins sent me some cool file photos which I unfortunately can't share with you, there being no easy way that I know of to post pps files on blogger. Ditto Don Perry and his pdf war photos.


We had a great celebration with our buds in Cardiff for the fourth of July. Water was warm, food and conversation were great. Walked down to Coast Highway above the Fair to watch the fireworks. They were sort of a dud this year. No dynamic rhythm, nothing much happening until the brief "happy ending". Not sure if it was a failure of not having enough money to do it right or a simple lack of vision and creativity.


I just finished Laura Hillenbrand's book Unbroken. The writer of Seabiscuit is a superb story teller. I am told that she is also unfortunately bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unbroken is the story of Louis Zamperini, Olympic distance runner in 1936 who is shot down in the Pacific and subjected to extreme torment and hardship, from fending off sharks on his raft to being tortured in a concentration camp by a sadistic japanese corporal named Watanabe. Never Breaks. I highly recommend the book.


North County Film Club said...

I got 78.9.

Blue Heron said...

I think that that makes three of us so far out of four. Six wrong or seven wrong out of thirty three?

WildBill said...

I missed the one on the Lincoln/Douglas debate, the FDR New Deal/Supreme court one, and three in the fiscal category.

island guy said...

93.9%. Missed two, one of which was just plain checking the wrong box. Pretty surprised, but since many of you missing more are very bright must be partly my old knack for figuring out multiple choice exams and partly luck. I shudder to think of the lack of knowledge about civics, economics, and history of most Americans out there......

Anonymous said...

3 wrong, 90.91.

Surprised I know this crap.
