
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, July 25, 2011

Manimals, Chimeras and the National Football League

Well America can rest easy, all has been saved. No not the debt crisis, professional football is back. Couch potatoes across the land can postpone doing anything creative and productive in the summer months for at least another year. Watch grown men beat the bejeezus out of each other, not like we can watch the lions give the gladiators a go any more.


I played a bit today and went out and caught the new Captain America movie. Wasn't bad. For a guy who has been genetically altered with super serum, this masked avenger is pretty mortal. He runs fast and has a decent frisbee forehand with that shield of his. Tommy Lee Jones is getting pretty durned weathered. Odd that the movie is partially set in Norway, with all of the current goings on.


Speaking of Norway, the Norwegian bomber looks happy as a clam in all the pictures I have seen. Not Jared Loughner/Hannibal Lector  psycho happy, more like Dick Cheney malevolant happy. And he should be happy. Norway has no capitol punishment so the most time he will do is 21 years. Still has time to get out and kill a whole bunch more people. Coward mowed his countrymen down like sitting ducks without fear of retribution.


Truthout has a couple good articles today. The first one is titled New Court Filing Reveals How the 2004 Ohio Presidential Election Was Hacked by Bob Fritakis and you can link to it here.
"A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio's 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W. Bush.
The filing also includes the revealing deposition of the late Michael Connell. Connell served as the IT guru for the Bush family and Karl Rove. Connell ran the private IT firm GovTech that created the controversial system that transferred Ohio's vote count late on election night 2004 to a partisan Republican server site in Chattanooga, Tennessee owned by SmarTech. That is when the vote shift happened, not predicted by the exit polls, that led to Bush's unexpected victory. Connell died a month and a half after giving this deposition in a suspicious small plane crash."
The second article is titled Emails Show White House Promotes Genetically Engineered Crops in Wildlife Refuges and was written by Mike Ludwig. Read it here.
"The Obama administration is supporting genetically engineered (GE) agriculture in more than 50 national wildlife refuges across the country and watchdog groups say internal emails among top administration officials reveal that the GE plots are a priority in the White House.
Earlier this year, a settlement in a lawsuit filed by the watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and its allies halted the planting of GE crops in US Fish and Wildlife Service wildlife refuges in northeastern states. Now PEER claims the Obama administration is working with the biotech lobby to shield GE plots in refuges from future legal challenges."
I find this development to be completely odious and another indication of Obama's being completely out of touch with his base. They probably love him over there at Monsanto.


I was checking out the United States Government's 2011 Statistical Abstract and saw how the genetically engineered food war has already been lost. Good luck finding any original seed stock that has not been genetically tampered with by some modern day Doctor Frankenstein.


Not content to destroy our trusted food and seed stock, anyone catch the article on man/animal experimentation in England this week?  Here is a link. Reminds me of one of my favorite movies of childhood, O Lucky Man! and the very scary sheep chimera.
"Scientific experiments that insert human genes or cells into animals need new rules to ensure they are ethically acceptable and do not lead to the creation of "monsters," a group of leading British researchers said on Friday.
While humanizing animals in the name of medical research offers valuable insights into the way human bodies work and diseases develop, clear regulations are needed to make sure humanization of animals is carefully controlled."

 Lots of U.S. dough winding up in the Taliban's pockets. Think they want this war to end?

Finally to end on a somewhat happier note. The magic healing power of dolphins.

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