
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, July 4, 2011

A couple tests

You blast readers are a keen bunch and you seem to like tests. Here are a couple for you:

Try Cognitive Labs Thinking Speed test. I was at about 285 milliseconds, Leslie 40 milliseconds faster. May be penalized for a sticky keyboard...

This University of Florida Cognitive Screening test was pretty difficult and I never did get a grade. I think that I failed so miserably that it is probably for the better.

More tests from IQ screen tests.

Intelligence tests.

The Mensa Workout.


Anonymous said...

Right on brother man,
Rambling through reality with an ear to the future.
Life is what happens while we wait for the good life
To begin. For a bit I will try and dig a bit of La Dolce Vita.
But first I will stay the month and make some Sandwiches.
happy Fourth of July..
Deli Guy********

Anonymous said...

242 millisecs here, but I think this speed would vary depending on how many cups of coffee, glasses of wine or doobies I've had!
Also, time of day, amount of sleep I've had, sexual satiety, and a dozen other variables.


Blue Heron said...

my doobs, you don't break ten minutes.