Friday, June 3, 2011

Yea, GOP

I applaud the Republicans for questioning Obama's war policy in Libya and the general neighborhood. It's self serving as hell, where were they 10 years ago in Iraq and Afghanistan? But hey, better late than never. We need to ask some basic questions when we get into these imbroglios because in a classic case of The Mouse That Roared, we always end up babysitting the countries for the next 40 years or so.

I happen to think that Daffy Kaddafi needed to get his ears pinned back but wouldn't advise a steady diet of it.

Obama doesn't seem to have a coherent exit strategy for any of these incursions, another Democrat trying to out republican the republican. Probably still seeking approval from his father or something.


Mississippi Republican Governor Haley Barbour has impressed me twice this week. He broke with Eric Cantor regarding Cantor's call demanding offsets for federal emergency funds yesterday. He also says that the GOP shouldn't necessarily hold the line on forbidding any increase in tax revenue and that it would be a mistake to hold candidates to a purity test. Smart on all counts, but of course it is easier to be honest when you aren't running for office.


From Alternet: Number of government limousines under Obama has jumped 73%.

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