Thursday, June 9, 2011

Committing Political Weinercide, a Cautionary Tale

Rep. Anthony Weiner has stepped on his schmeckel. Maybe Probably fatally. Another in a long line of politicians that let their over inflated narcissism and over amped libido screw up a very good thing. Weiner was a courageous liberal and a man not afraid to go after anybody or anything. Now all of that capital is wasted because he couldn't keep his dick off the internet. Schmuck.

You have to wonder about the long list of politicians that have everything going for them and then self destruct like this. Let's see, Sanford, Ensign, Vitter, Spector, Clinton, Larry Craig, Henry Cisneros, Mark Foley, John Edwards, Kwame Kilpatrick, just to name a few. Stupidity and hubris from both parties and they all should have known better. Go back farther and you have David Walsh, Wilbur Mills and a host of United States Presidents. When you hold political office and you start thinking with that little head, it's a quick trip to hot flames and perdition.


I feel for Weiner, or should I say Representative Weiner? You would think that a man born with such an unfortunate last name would have taken extra care to see that his moniker was not slung through the dirt. Sadly, all his grandfather would have had to do was say Schvantz at Ellis Island and he would now be spared a lifetime of ridicule.

Because headline writers are having way too good a time with this.


Anonymous said...

Robert, How can you feel sorry for that lying rat Weiner he is a pathetic liberal hypocrite and it is about time he was exposed for the cheating scum at the bottom of Pelosi's pond that he is and has always been. Just like Wrangle he is not going to do the respectful thing and resign.
P.S. hope all is well, L

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous illustration!

Who do we feel sorry for: Weiner's Pecker or that Pecker's Weiner?

You are the GREATEST, Robert!


Sanoguy said...

To the 1st Anonymous:

What about all of the wayward Republican politicos: David Vitter, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, et al? Are they at the bottom of Boehner's pond??? Are you also asking for Vitter to resign???

Don't be hypocritical now!!