
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, May 2, 2011

Zero Hour

Osama Bin Laden is in his watery grave, that is, if you can believe the narrative being put forward by our rulers. I will take them at their word but excuse me if I am a bit skeptical about the finer points of the mission. I still remember the whole Pat Tillman debacle. When the news is coming from Washington, no matter which gang is running the show, I tend to take it with a grain of salt. Why didn't they keep the body again?

But it's really not here nor there, the son of a bitch is dead and there won't be many around these parts that will miss him. You decide that it's your calling to kill innocent Americans, and you decide to take on the country that supported you when the Russians tried to make you their proxy, and you repay us by flying into the Pentagon, well man, you will reap the whirlwind. Karma, as they say, is a bitch.

The thing that smells to holy hell about the whole thing, is that this gigantic fortress was built on the ISI's doorstep. A few hundred yards away from the army base for the most senior military men. The Pakistanis are playing a dangerous double game. There was no way they weren't orchestrating this whole thing this whole time. Still haven't tried one Lashkar defendant after the Mumbai attack. They have been pissing on our legs and telling us that it's raining for far too long.

Now Mushareff is bleating about Pakistani sovereignty and unlawful territorial incursion. He says that the Pakistani government should have been briefed on the mission. Something that if it would have happened would reduce the likelihood of mission success to virtually nil. Our supposed friends have been shielding the snake in the basket.

Hamas says that an arab holy warrior has been killed. More oppression of the poor muslim. The same Hamas that the Obama Administration thinks that it can play footsie with in regards to jamming a weak and risky deal with Israel through. Hamas that is now trying to reunify with Fatah. People, even in the State Department, have short memories. It usually takes a tragedy before they get off their academic perches and see the real world as it is and not as it should be. Hamas is also caught in a classic crucible between its Syrian hosts and the people in the street seeking freedom in that country.

Count me as another who says that it is time to leave the region to itself. Let the Iranians and the Saudis fight their little war for geopolitical reign. Let the Pushtuns and the other tribes dismember each other. They have gotten real good at it over the last thousand years and nothing ever gets solved. Ultimately it finds some neutral stasis, in the rare periods between bloodshed. Not one American soldier deserves to die for them. They are responsible for their futile lot. Same in Iraq. India will be happy to take care of their neighbor. And if you want to let the Israelis take care of their own business, believe me, they are ready for that too.

I can't pretend that I believe in hell, Osama, but you have earned a one way pass to spiritual torment for your perfidy. May your soul rot through infinite incarnations of utmost darkness for the evil you have promulgated on this earth.


Anonymous said...

this wasn't business, this was personal...

Anonymous said...

Hitler died May 1 1945. Bin Laden died to the day 66 years later, 6 months before 9-11.

Anonymous said...

All his neighbors said he seemed like such a nice, quiet guy...


grumpy said...

so now that the hoopla is dying down i'm developing a very bad taste in my mouth about this whole "mission", going in all black ops out of a Tom Clancey novel and shooting an unarmed man dead in cold blood with a bullet to the head, in front of his wife (or one of them) and his kids no less; am i supposed to feel good about this? could we not have taken him alive? somehow i don't feel safer....

Blue Heron said...

He's one bastard I will never shed a tear for.

Anonymous said...

hey grumpy,
I wonder if Bin Laden sat his kids on his knees and told them stories about innocent people getting burned to death and others jumping out of buildings.
By the way, his wife was a gift to him by one of his bloodthirsty followers.
Thousands of our soldiers gave their lives and billions of our dollars was spent hunting down that dog. I feel safer that there is one less devil in this world..........

Anonymous said...

Hey grump soundsike trump: all of his victims were unarmed, too.

grumpy said...

...hey i'm not shedding tears either, and i admit at first i was pumped, but now reality is setting in... stay tuned for the reprisals...

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous: you're fired

The Donald.